Chapter 5

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth


Hi everyone, here is the latest instalment of riddle of blood, I hope you enjoy it, it is also one of the longer chapters so (29 word pages, size 10 font), yay for you.

Have fun

Chapter 5

Amy sighed as she sat back and relaxed as she waited for Rachel to come in, two days after returning and they finally had gotten to the bottom of her list of things to do. The pack had run smoothly while they were gone with only minor problems which Serenity had dealt with easily.

Wolfgang signed a document as Rachel walked in, "Thais said you wished to see us."

Rachel nodded as she sat and placed a data crystal on the table between Amy and Wolfgang. "I should have told you about this sooner, I however decided that the timing wasn't right. Just before the Luna festival, Alren was exploring a new region and she found tracks that she recognised."

Wolfgang lifted the crystal and placed it on the reader to draw up the information.

"I double checked, no one was in the area." Rachel said as they focused on the picture of Alren's hand in a distinct paw print. Her hand was present for scaling purposes to show just how big an animal the print represented.

"That's a big cat print," Wolfgang stated confidently and Rachel nodded. "And you are sure no one was in the area?"

Rachel nodded, "That area hasn't been cleared for Were travel yet, keep going."

Wolfgang flicked through a few more pictures of tracks including Alren trying to gage the gait of the animal and therefore its size. "Smaller than Sara," he guessed as Sara as a lion was average for a big cat which had come here but was still bigger than her wild cousins and Rachel nodded.

The next few pictures were of two new animals and plants before finally they got to the photo Rachel was waiting for. Amy jerked to her feet tumbling her chair back as her eyes focused on a Sabre. She flicked to a closer picture, "Not any of us... not our markings." Amy remarked and got a not from Rachel.

"Check out the next few pictures." Rachel coaxed.

Amy did just that and a slightly larger cat joined the first. Wolfgang glanced to Amy then to the picture before he finally settled back on Amy. "Could they be your non-Were cousins?"

Amy nodded slowly, "looks that way, but... how..."

Rachel cleared her throat, "Were you born on Terra?" she asked, she had time to think and process this revelation so had come to a few conclusions that could fit.

Amy turned to Rachel, "We... assumed so..."

"If you were born on this planet, couldn't that mean that this planet is blue printed on your DNA and therefore when you forced your body to shift, the beast that awoke was of your planet of birth and not of Terra." Rachel guessed, although it was the only thing her mind had come up with to explain how it was possible.

"It would explain knowing the Banapple wasn't ripe before we even knew it was edible," Amy stated and Rachel nodded.

"It is possible, and none of you sabres have let your beasts be in full control since coming here." Wolfgang remarked, they were so careful with Sabres as they were very dangerous beings. "And it would explain why early on your beast's mind seemed so, alien in nature."

Amy turned as Luna appeared suddenly in the room. "Did you know?" Amy asked trying not to be demanding of the goddess who was also her great grandmother.

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