Chapter 10

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth


Hi everyone

I am so; so; so sorry about the delay with this chapter, I scrapped it twice and had a heap of writers block. Also please forgive the roughness of the chapter, I hope you enjoy and comment.

Have fun

PS... there is a note at the end. 

Chapter 10

Amy wrapped her arms around Wolfgang's neck as appeared home after her meeting with the gods.

"So... who did you kill?" Wolfgang asked as he leant back into Amy's body and finished his work by electronically flicking the document on his desk to Keira for her to implement.

Amy gave Wolfgang a hurt look, "Really... is that how you view me? A blood thirty bitch ready to swing her sword?"

He turned a little more in Amy's arms to look at her. "Only at those who deserve it..." he told her honestly. "And I am sure they have done something to tick off Sabreen and Trax or they wouldn't have gone with you."

Amy sighed and rested her chin on his shoulder, "and I do wield a god killing sword."

"Yes," he agreed.

Keira walked in and glared at Wolfgang, "Did you read this before you sent it?" she held up a pad.

Wolfgang frowned and glanced down on his desk; he then turned to Keira and gave her a bashful look. "Sorry I haven't finished that document, I was meant to send this one." He flicked the right document to her, she read for a few moments before she nodded.

"I need help doing this job," she told the alpha pair.

Amy nodded, "Find yourself whoever you think will be able to assist you even if it means getting the other Seconds to take more of the burden." She said not even suggesting that Ghan get out of his lab, his ability to figure out plants was really important and would be for a long time as they had barely begun to catalogue this planet's plants.

Keira nodded, "I will think about it and get back to you. As for the moment, I think I will steal Gwynt away from Cass for a week just while I redistribute resources."

Wolfgang nodded, "If Cass complains let her know it is just for a week."

Keira nodded and started to leave before she remembered something. "You are both going to the imperium right?"

Amy nodded, "And Serenity will be in charge."

Keira closed her eyes and sighed, "I love our pack system!" she said before she left, in the old system she and Ghan would have been left in charge if the Alpha pair was away. In this system it simply went through the Alphas in order of hierarchy, Serenity, Alanna, Dominic, Cass, Ash, Nichole, Mayhem, Rachel, Rayal, Tomic and Ruth. The two aquatic Alphas weren't overly fond of leaving their waters so didn't mind being at the very bottom of the list of who was meant to be in charge when Amy and Wolfgang were off world.

Wolfgang turned to Amy, "So... when do we leave again?"

"Tomorrow, however..." Amy moved away from Wolfgang, "As much as I would love to have fun, I have work to do or Keira will be glaring at me next."


Thais appeared before Sage who was effectively the commander of the fleet. Sage glanced up from her paperwork and frowned at her brother. "Thais... have I forgotten something."

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