Chapter 6

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth


Hi everyone

Here is the long awaited chapter 6, prepare to have your minds blown people, this isn't a massively long chapter but it is full of information so have fun, comment and vote.

Chapter 6

Amy glanced up quickly from some paper work to see who was coming in the day after Suh'ruk's delegation had returned home, Rhiannon walked in, "Hi ma." She said before quickly turning back to her work.

Rhiannon didn't answer to begin with, which caused Amy to look up and focus on her mother. "What the!" She stood abruptly, tumbling back her chair and approached her mother, her very pregnant mother. "You weren't pregnant yesterday when we said goodbye to Suh'ruk."

"I know!" Rhiannon said slightly freaked.

"That's me," Amy stated.

"I tried to will to you when I woke this morning and saw this, nothing happened, so yes, this is you." She replied.

"I never thought this would happen, I thought you would vanish or something." Amy said as she started to pace.

"Hey Amy..." Wolfgang said as he walked in with a book in his hands. "The artists are just finishing adding Beca's name to the tree." He noticed Rhiannon, "Hello Rhi... what the fuck?" he said as his eyes focused on the very pregnant Rhiannon. The book he was holding slipped from his hands. "You... your... what the fuck!" he said trying to wrap his mind around what he was seeing.

"Breathe Wolfgang," Amy said as she summoned Susan to her.

Susan appeared, "Is Beca hurt?" she asked before she glanced around and blinked as her eyes focused on Rhiannon and her rounded stomach. "That wasn't there yesterday." She stated and Rhiannon nodded.

"Now that we've agreed I wasn't pregnant yesterday can someone please explain to me how I am ten months pregnant today!" Rhiannon stated showing just how panicked she was.

Susan nodded and gestured for Rhiannon to sit, Susan lifted her top and examined her rounded stomach before she placed her hands on it and let her power stream into Rhiannon's body. "This is so strange. I have examined Amy so many times, but to examine her in her infant form blows my mind."

"So it is Amy?" Wolfgang asked.

"Oh yes indeed, I would know her anywhere." Susan answered with a slight frown this infant Amy felt exactly like the Amy she knew, just younger.

"How Susan?" Amy asked breaking into Susan's thoughts.

Susan nodded and focused, a few moments later she let Rhiannon go. "I've examined enough Da'Vaila pregnancies to be able to recognise an accelerated growth pattern, enough dragon pregnancies to recognise a decelerated growth pattern and enough Were, Fae, Terran and Elemental pregnancies to know what we consider normal growth patterns. So I know how all effect the development of an unborn baby. Baby Amy, has grown naturally for a total of 11 months and four days and she is about six hours from being born. Why she took so long to grow I don't know."

"GRANDMA!" Rhiannon called hoping the goddess could shed some light on what was going on.

Luna appeared and blinked as she stared at her granddaughter. "How?"

"We were hoping you could tell us," Amy asked.

"She's experienced a relatively normal pregnancy, even if it was 11 months long, overnight." Susan explained.

Luna nodded not able to speak with her mind so dumbfounded and vanished.

"To the clinic with you, you are going to go into labour in a very short amount of time." Susan said as she helped Rhiannon to her feet. Vivian appeared at Amy's mental summons.

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