Chapter 8

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth


Hi everyone;

Sorry about the delay with this chapter, it was a lot harder to get onto the screen than I thought it would. I hope you all enjoy it.

I won't be able to submit another chapter this month as it is a very busy month for me so I would like to wish you all a happy festive season in advance and a happy new year... man where did the year go? 

Have fun and be safe everyone.

Chapter 8

Beca appeared near Amy several days later a confused look on her face, Amy was face down on her bed having a nap. She didn't stumble this time as Amy had taught her a trick to always have firm footing when she willed. Crawling onto the bed beside Amy, she rested on her stomach because if she wanted to lay any other way she would have to take off Night and Day and those two always put up a fight when she was taking them off even if it was to sleep for the short amount of time she needed now. It had been easy to come up with fake names for Life and Death and since only Amy, Gabrielle and Sabreen could tell the two blades apart she didn't elaborate which hand held which weapon.

Amy rubbed her face against the sheets and yawned as she stretched, "aren't you meant to be in a lesson?"

"Yeah... Cleopatra told me to go to the memorial to help work on the paper she wanted for her Cross roads event paper." Beca explained.

"Alone?" Amy asked concerned and Beca nodded, "Mm... not really a lesson or project to be done alone, more so since you are too young to watch the stand." To this day the Stand has been rated 19+ and it was unlikely to change any time in the future.

"About that," Beca said but paused suddenly nervous.

Amy got up and started to walk to the bathroom, "Go on I am listening," she encouraged.

"A lady was walking a class of fifth year battle students around the memorial," Beca begun.

"Fifth years..." Amy said as she walked out drying her hands, "how did you know they were fifth years?"

"Alanna thought that although I wasn't going to the school I should be aware of the school's structure." Beca explained. Each year for the first five years students got a bar, in their sixth year the bars were replaced with stars until their final year where they got crossed swords. If the students were then going onto advance training, Enforcer or Beta, they kept the crossed swords and gained a crescent, this marking system had more levels to it to indicate wing rank and more but the basics were simple enough to understand.

Amy nodded, "the woman was probably Kaylee," she said, "She teaches fifth year and above."

"Well... she was before the big statue in the memorial, the Stand, and pointed to you and said, that is our Alpha female, the most dangerous, vicious being ever and the students cheered, like it was no big deal, that you being dangerous should be celebrated." Beca said as she moved to watch Amy, "But... I don't understand, you are an awesome fighter, but you aren't vicious or any of the things they claim you to be."

Amy chuckled, "It isn't the easiest thing to explain, come let's go to the memorial and I will try to explain it to you."

Beca got off the bed and followed Amy, "Does it bother you? Being called that?" she asked as they made it to the lift.

"Used to and still does but... over the years I have noticed something which makes me put up with the title even though it bugs me. Your father likes to poke fun at me by calling me the most dangerous being in the universe. He isn't right though, that honour belongs to your grandmother Sabreen and your uncle Trax," Amy explained as they went down in the lift.

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