Chapter 7

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

AN: Not Edited

Hi everyone

Since it is the beginning of the month here is the latest chapter of Riddle of Blood so to all of you who went 'that can't be it' at the end of chapter 6 you are right... there are a few more chapters left and when I do finish this story I will give you plenty of warning so not to worry.

Okay so read, vote, comment and have fun

Chapter 7

Cleopatra walked into Amy and Wolfgang's office carrying a heavy book, she dragged a chair over so that it was before Amy and placed the book down on the desk with a thump. She sat, flicked a long lock of red hair out of the way before she opened the book, each page was dedicated to a symbol many of them unknown, or at least they were unknown.

Amy smiled at Cleopatra, "wondered how long it would take you to come."

"Well you can read it now," she answered. "Let's start, I have a hundred symbols in this book and only have meanings for twenty."

Amy chuckled, "there are four hundred and ninety seven symbols and sixty nine sounds to this language."

"More symbols?" Cleopatra complained.

Amy nodded as she cleared away her desk and wrote the first symbol they had gotten the meaning of, blood.

"I know that symbol, it means blood," Cleopatra stated, she had wanted the meanings of the other symbols.

Amy nodded and drew another five symbols one of which Cleopatra hadn't seen before, "these five symbols together also mean blood only it is spelt. B, l, o, o, d," she said as she gestured at each symbol as she spoke.

"The two o's are different though," Cleopatra stated and Amy nodded.

"When spelling out a word you can't have two same symbols next to each other but this is the important part, the symbols don't just mean one thing. The symbol for blood doesn't just mean blood, it also means blood of my blood. Whereas these five symbols together mean not of my blood. It can also be written like this." Amy drew blood again only this time she added an extra line, "by adding this line I mean the reverse meaning of this symbol."

Cleopatra looked at what Amy had written, almost to the point of tears, her mind drawing a blank, how could she learn a language like that, a language with multiple layers, multiple meanings. She could learn an alien language in hours but this language?

Sabreen walked in, she was actually lost and had just remembered that the door she was standing outside of was Amy and Wolfgang's office.

"Mum... in all those books... did I ever write about our language?" Amy asked as she turned to her.

Sabreen nodded, "Four, I wondered why you wrote them, it wasn't like you needed them, you were born with the language blue printed into your brain."

Amy smiled, "I think I wrote them for someone like Cleopatra."

Sabreen nodded and made the four books in question appear on the desk.

Amy grabbed the first book, "All the symbols and their various meanings." She handed it to Cleopatra, the second book quickly followed, "All the symbols and their various reverse meanings."

"How to write non symbol words with their correct meanings as well as creating concept symbols like the crest." Amy handed the third book over, the fourth was the largest of all of them. "The entire Macquarie dictionary in English then in symbols with their meanings."

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