Chapter 1

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Wonyung woke up feeling a bit more enthusiastic about her job, sure she loved serving coffee or delicious treats to people but today felt different. Like something good was going to happen.

Everyone knew she was a sucker for love, including her followers on Twitter. Wonyung loved watching romance movies and reading romance novels.

She loved the idea of someone supporting her through tribulations and the idea of spending the rest of her life with one person.

After getting ready and eating breakfast she left her apartment and set off to work. She felt bold todays opting to wear a crop top that showed off her stomach, a short denim skirt, a pair of stocking and chunky black shoes.

She chose to wear makeup today and Wonyung never really wore it to work. She had done a subtle smokey eye look, blush, and tinted lipgloss.

Arriving at work five minutes earlier she went to the back to get her apron, put it on and went to the front. The time now being 8:00, she went to the entry of the café and flipped the sign over to open. While waiting for customers to start piling in she started wiping down the chairs and tables.

Heading back to the counter she heard the door opening. Must be a customer, she thought. Arriving at the till she looked up to face the customer. "Good morning and welcome to Cafe Aroma, what would you like to order?" She asked with a polite tone.

Taking a better look at the customer she thought she knew him from somewhere. And when he spoke that's when it clicked. "This is my first time ordering here, can you please recommend me something?"

This man was Neymar Fucking Jr. Deciding to treat him like any other customer despite his fame she answered,"I highly suggest buying the Mochi, its a Japanese treat with a soft texture and sweet taste." She looked him in the eye, waiting for him to respond.

This man is too beautiful for my liking, she thought. "Okay I'll get that with a large iced Americano." He replied.

"That will be 10 euros." He took out 10 euros and gave it to her. After putting it in the cash register she headed over to the coffee station making his drink, then put his mochi in a box and handed it to him. "Hope you have a good day, come back again." She smiled a him showing her gummy smile.

"Thank you, have a good day too" He responded, turning around to leave. When he reached the door he looked back one last time and gave a her a smile. This was the first someone treated him like a regular person.

It was even better that she was beautiful and had a welcoming aura around her. He noticed how she would scrunch her face when typing in the order or how she looked him directly in the eye. Not many people did that and it shocked him.

Her name was Wonyung, he read this on the tag on her apron. Such a nice name. When he got home he went on instagram searching for her profile. He thought she was just so beautiful. After looking for a bit he found her profile. She's insanely gorgeous, he thought.

 She's insanely gorgeous, he thought

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