Chapter 31

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neymarjr's story

Wonyung was now in her ninth month

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Wonyung was now in her ninth month. Her bump was at its peak and her feet were swollen 24/7. She was sitting in her living room waiting for the match to begin when she felt a cramp in her lower stomach. She would've dismissed it as Braxton Hicks if she wasn't so close to her due date.

She contemplated calling Neymar but decided against it. She decided to call him when she was sure she was in labour and when her contractions were close. The match was set to begin in an hour so she had enough time to make sure everything was ready. She stood up from the couch and walked to the nursery where the hospital bag in.

She finished packing hers and Neymar's clothes and things they might need. An hour went by and the contractions were getting closer and more painful. She would have to lean against something every time she had a contraction. She went back to the living room and laid on the couch when the match started.

Twenty minutes into the match she decided to go to the kitchen to make a snack. While reaching for the juice in the back of the fridge she felt a liquid trickle down her legs. "Oh my gosh." She whispered repeatedly. "This can't be happening." She panicked. She walked back to the living room and picked up her phone from the couch.

Wonyung called Antonela since since she knew she was there. The phone rang for a few seconds until Antonela picked up. Wonyung didn't give her the chance to say anything and immediately started talking.

"I'm in labour I think, no I'm sure. What I'm trying to say is, can you please let Galtier know that I need Neymar here." "Really, okay!" Antonela exclaimed. "Thank you. Love you, bye." "Bye." Wonyung hung up and went to clean herself up.

Neymar was on the field watching Mbappé passing the ball to a teammate when the Christophe called him off the field. He walked to the bench with a look of confusion on his face. When he got closer to the bench he could see the grin on the Christophe's face. "Wonyung called Antonela, said she's in labour."

Neymar muttered a small 'thank you' before running to the locker room. He changed as fast as he could, nearly tripping a few times. He ran to his car and drove to his house. He may have went over the speed limit, keyword: may. When he got to the entrance of the house he heard Wonyung groan then take short shallow breaths. He walked in the living to see her hunched over the couch on her knees with her head on the seat.

He hurried to her and crouched down to her level. "I'm here. Do you have to go to hospital?" He asked. "I think so, my contractions are five minutes apart." She answered in a soft voice. "When did they start?" He asked rubbing her lower back. "Less than two hours ago." She answered.

"Why didn't you call me when they started?" He muttered. "I thought they'd probably get bad after your match." Wonyung replied. "Okay, let's go." Neymar said helping Wonyung up. He helped her walk to the car and walked back to fetch their hospital bag. He held her hand on the way which resulted with his hand getting crushed every time Wonyung had a contraction.

"Good evening, I'm going to ask a few questions and check your dilation." The nurse said entering the room. Wonyung was laying in the hospital bed texting her mom while Neymar was out buying something at the vending machine. She looked up to see a middle aged woman with a sweet smile on her face. "Okay." Wonyung said.

"What's your name?"

"Wonyung Kim."

"Date of birth?"

"July 25 1997."

"Your last meal before arriving at the hospital?"

"Chicken Alfredo pasta."


"About 4 pm."

Neymar then walked in holding two bottles of juice and a bag of chips. "Hello." He greeted the nurse to which she greeted back. "I'm going to check how much you've dilated now." The nurse stated. "You are ten centimetres dilated, you are ready to push." "Finally, laying in a bed for ten hours gets to a person." Wonyung sighed.

The nurse laughed before leaving the room. "I'm nervous." Wonyung mumbled. Neymar stood up from the chair he was sitting in and stood next to the bed taking her hand in his. "My parents said they're about to board so they'll probably arrive tomorrow." Wonyung said.

"Mine also said they're on their way." Neymar added. Wonyung nodded before her face contorted to a scrunched uncomfortable look signalling she was having a contraction. The OB-GYN walked in with nurses holding equipment.

Wonyung's screams filled up the room as she pushed. Neymar looked at her with worry, he wished she wouldn't have to go through this. He wished this would have to be over and done with. He scrunched his eyes in pain when Wonyung squeezed his hand. "I can't!" Wonyung exclaimed. "Just one more push." The OB-GYN said.

Wonyung pushed for the last time before hearing small cries break out. She started sobbing when they put her newborn on her chest. Neymar brushed the hair out of her face with his fingers. Wonyung let go of his hand and held her daughter close to her. Neymar wiped the tears of his face and smiled down at Wonyung.

After Neymar was given the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord, Wonyung had to also give birth to the placenta which wasn't pleasant to say the least.

Mandu🥟| @ Wonyung97
Yeah not doing that again

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I'm back 😋

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