Chapter 20

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Neymar and Wonyung were walking to a Starbucks near Wonyung's place holding hands and conversing. People seemed to recognise the couple, some taking picture while some whispered amongst themselves. The walk to the café was short causing the couple to arrive within minutes of walking.

They walked in and stood by the side of the door browsing the menu displayed on the screen above the counter. All eyes were on them but it seemed as though they didn't notice. "I'm thinking of getting the white chocolate mocha, what about you?" Wonyung asked. "I'm leaning towards the caramel macchiato so I think I'll get that." Neymar answered.

"Should I order or will you do it?" Wonyung asked gesturing to the barista. He pointed at her taking out cash in his pockets before handing it to her. She pushed his hand back saying she'll pay. He insisted on paying until she agreed and walked to the barista pulling along Neymar with her.

"Welcome to Starbucks. What would you like to order?" The barista asked. Wonyung read the name tag on her apron, Lillian. Such a nice name, she thought. "Hey. Can I please get the white chocolate mocha, tall and the caramel macchiato, grande." She ordered. The barista put the orders on the computer, " That'll be £10." Lillian said. Wonyung handed her the cash while Neymar stood next to her playing with her fingers.

Lillian handed Wonyung the receipt and asked for her name. "It's Wonyung." She answered. "Could you please spell that for me." Wonyung spelled out her name and the couple left to find a seat. "We came at the perfect time." Neymar said looking around the café. "I like how there isn't a lot of people." She said.

"I aspire to be those people with the most absurd orders." Wonyung admitted. Neymar laughed, "And they'd be so serious too." "Imagined I just walked up to the barista and went "Can I get two pumps of vanilla, two pumps of Mocha, three pumps of Hazelnut, four pumps of caramel syrup and five shots with extra caramel drizzle."" She mocked with a valley girl accent.

Neymar wheezed, tears welling up in his eyes. "Stop, you're killing me." His voice was raspy as he laughed. "Im serious. The day for me to do that will come and when I do, you won't know what hit you." She chuckled. Neymar and Wonyung stood up when they heard her name being called, walked to the counter and took their drinks.

They thanked Lillian and left the café. They decided to go to a park nearby to walk around and got there after a few minutes of walking. They walked down a path that led them to a busier part of the park. People were playing with their dogs while some passed with their dogs. On one side of the path a group of teenagers were playing football and on the other, what seemed to be a section for dogs.

They gravitated towards the teenagers mainly because Neymar pulled Wonyung to them. They stood by the side watching now engrossed on what's in front of them. One of the kids saw Neymar, his eyes widening. Neymar gestured for him to keep quiet by putting his index finger up to his lips. The kid turned his attentions back to the game. Time passed with none of the kids noticing Neymar watching them but that was until they decided to take a break.

They finally took notice of their surroundings and Wonyung could see the gears turning in their heads. One by one they walked towards their direction. "You guys play really good." Neymar stated with a smile on his face causing Wonyung to nod. "Really? You think so?" One of the kids asked with shock. It's not everyday The Neymar Jr tells you, you play good. Neymar nodded walking closer to the kids with Wonyung following.

"Thank you so much." Each of the teenagers thanked. "How old is everyone?" Wonyung asked. She was curious, they seemed to be fifteen or sixteen, more or less. She was proven right when they introduced themselves with their ages. "Is there anything we need to improve on?" A kid that introduced himself as Ayaan asked. Wonyung tuned out the rest of the conversation looking over at the dogs on the other side of the path.

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