Chapter 2

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Mandu🥟| @ Wonyung97
Guys im going on a date today... just needed to put it out there
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user1| @ User

User2| @ User
Mandu 🥟| @ Wonyung97

User3| @ user
What's the guys name?
Mandu🥟| @ Wonyung97
That's for me to know and for you to find out
Rosé🍷| @ Roseanne
She won't even tell us who the guy is

He got out of his car that was parked out of her apartment building and made his way up to her apartment. Neymar knocked once he got to her door holding a bouquet of red and white roses he bought a few minutes before.

His breath hitched when Wonyung opened the door. She look beautiful even thought she was dressed in casual clothes. He had told her to dress comfortably because they weren't going to a restaurant.

He looked at her smiling and said, "Wow you look so beautiful." She looked down after hearing the compliment. "Thank you, you look handsome yourself." She wasn't used to getting compliments especially from men.

"These flowers are for you." He said handing them over to Wonyung who thought they looked so beautiful. "Thank you so much. Let me put them in some water. You can enter." She said opening the door wider so Neymar can enter. As soon as he walked in he thought her apartment was well-decorated.

"We can go now." Wonyung said after a minute. On the way to the location of the date Neymar and Wonyung were talking about all sorts of things ranging from Wonyung begging Neymar to tell her where the date is and why she chose to live in Paris.

"Growing up, I had this fantasy of living in Paris and falling in love. I really thought I would get proposed to at the top of the Eiffel Tower. So when I got the opportunity to move here, I took it." Wonyung explained while Neymar listened intently.

Soon after they arrived outside a park. They got out of the car and Neymar led her to place in the park that was hidden. "Wait a second, you aren't going to kill me aren't you?" He laughed at her question. "No this a place I found while I came here to explore the city."

"It's amazing." It really was. The grass was green and short and there was pond with ducks in it and next to its was a blanket laid out with a basket on top. "Is this a picnic?" She asked with excitement in her voice.

She had never went on a picnic before even back home in Korea. "Mmh, I wanted to bring you somewhere private where we won't get disturbed and I thought of this place."

"Wow this is-wow nobody has done something like this for me before, thank you."She smiled at him. "It's my pleasure now let's go sit" They both sat down on the blanket and Neymar took out lunchboxes packed with fruits and sandwiches. "You want some pineapple?"
He asked her opening the lunchbox with pineapple.

"Ooh yes please, I actually am obsessed with pineapple. I love it so much." She took a piece and bit into it closing her eyes from the taste. They kept conversing as the date went by learning about each other until the sun started to set.

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