chapter thirty-two

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October came around, and Ben had no idea how, but he was back on good terms with Ron and Hermione. None of the three had apologised or said anything regarding their argument, but they were spending all their free time together again.

Ben had a slight feeling that Harry was behind it all, which made him appreciate his friendship even more than he did before. He had decided to go support him during his Quidditch trainings with Gryffindor, even though the practice often ended late at night.

Hermione and Ron were pretty much every day there, too, but there had been some times when they didn't, either because Hermione was already studying for their finals, which were still months away, or because Ron had to finish essays that had been sent weeks ago (and Hermione wouldn't allow Ben to hand over his for Ron to copy it).

So Ben went on his own.

"You know you don't have to feel forced to come watch us practise every day, right?" said Harry one day as they walked up towards the castle.

"If you don't want me to come, just say it," answered Ben, giving him a teasing look.

"No, no, that's not what I mean-" he stuttered, raising his eyebrows in panic. "I- I like to know you're there. It's... nice, it makes me happy."

He gave him a weak smile, which Ben returned.

"I've been thinking about it, and perhaps Quidditch isn't as boring as I thought."

"Of course it's not boring!"

"I heard Marina's going to try out for the Hufflepuff team," commented Ben, and Harry's smile faded slowly.

"Is she good?"

Ben shrugged. "No idea, I've never seen her play. She's really excited to join, though."

"Has she told you that?" asked Harry as they walked up a staircase.

"Yes, but we don't talk a lot. Only before and after Muggle Studies."

Harry nodded in understanding. "Do you think she still fancies you?"

Ben was somewhat surprised by that question. He hadn't really thought about the Valentine's day card for a really long time. His mind had lately been filled with school, his friends, helping Thomas with his comic, sending letters to Alycia, hanging out with the rest of his friends every now and then, and going to see Harry. "I don't know, she hasn't told me."

Harry chuckled. "Obviously, it'd be quite embarrassing to tell someone you fancy what you feel."

"I guess," shrugged Ben. "But I think that, if I liked someone, I'd tell her."

And, with that, the conversation died down until they walked into the Gryffindor Common Room. It was even more crowded than usual, as though the whole house had decided to go there at the same time.

"What's happened?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione, who were sitting in two of the best chairs by the fireside and completing some star charts for Astronomy.

"First Hogsmeade weekend," Ron pointed at a notice that had appeared on the battered old bulletin board. "End of October. Halloween."

"Awesome!" exclaimed Ben excitedly. "Cedric told me yesterday that they'd soon announce the first date!"

Harry threw himself into a chair beside Ron, crestfallen.

"Harry, I'm sure you'll be able to go next time," Hermione told him. "They're bound to catch Black soon. He's been sighted once already."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 ━━ harry potterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ