chapter fifty-seven

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A/N: quite a long chapter!!

While Harry was in detention that Friday, Hermione and Ben had gone to support Ron during his trials. Alycia and Rose had joined them, too, despite neither of them being a Gryffindor, and although usually people from other houses weren't allowed to watch.

But nobody said a word against their presence.

"We're learning the levitating spell at Charms, Ben," Alycia told him.

"Really? Already?" he exclaimed. She nodded eagerly. "Wow, it took us much longer to start practicing it."

"Professor Flitwick told us he's going to... Sort of speed up the process of showing us spells," explained Rose.

"Well that's really good," commented Hermione, as she knitted a small blue hat. "Given that Professor Umbridge refuses to allow us to practice magic."

"I don't like that woman at all," said Alycia. "She treats us like we're five... And she looks like a toad."

Rose exploded into a set of giggles. "She does! It's like seeing a toad wearing Barbie clothes."

Alycia and Ben frowned. "What's a Barbie?"

"What? You don't know Barbie?" she asked. Both siblings shook their heads. "It's a muggle doll. She usually wears a lot of pink."

"I have a lot of Barbies at home," Hermione smiled dreamily. "It has really been a long time since I last played with them..."

Applause and shouts of joy brought the group's attention back to the Quidditch pitch. Ron was running towards them, grinning from ear to ear. They got up quickly, and came down from the stands as fast as possible, expectant to see what had happened.

"I DID IT!" he beamed. "I'm in!"

"Well done, Ron!" exclaimed Ben.

"Congratulations!" said Alycia, smiling brightly.

"Yes, congratulations!"

Hermione suddenly pulled Ron into a hug. He took a couple of seconds to react; his face went momentarily pale, until his ears turned bright red, and he hesitated for an instant before returning the gesture. Hermione whispered something to him. Something obviously sweet, since a nervous smile appeared on his face.

Alycia and Rose were smirking and giggling to themselves, and Ben resisted the urge to join them.

When Hermione pulled away, her face was, too, quite pink, but she did her best to cover it.



"High Inquisitor?" Harry repeated out loud, confused.

"What does that even mean?"

Hermione cleared her throat, and began reading for the four of them to hear:

"In a surprise move last night the Ministry of Magic passed new legislation giving itself an unprecedented level of control at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 ━━ harry potterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora