chapter thirty-nine

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Outside their tent, pandemonium seemed to have erupted. The air was filled with thundering screams and franting cries, increasing in intensity with every passing second. A frenzy of people sprinted in all directions, their urgent steps trampling over anyone who was in their path. Ben squinted his eyes, in a failed attempt to make out what they were running away from. He was curious about the cause of such a chaos, but he was aware that waiting to find out wasn't an option.

"Let's go!" shouted Delilah, and they all set off in the direction everyone was running towards.

Ben gripped tightly his sister's hand as they sprinted away. Terrified screams and relentless panicking enveloped them. In the middle of the chaos, tents went up in flames, casting an eerie glow on the chaos. Spells crackled through the air, adding to the surreal atmosphere. Ben had an awful sensation regarding simply following the crowd as they ran away from whatever was happening.

"Let's go to the woods!" he yelled. "Follow me!"

They separated themselves from the herd of terrified people, and they ran as swiftly as possible into the forest. There were many other people, including mostly adults, in there as well, which made Ben's worry decrease significantly.

It was getting darker and darker with every single step they took into the woods; and Ben could barely see who was around him. The colored lanterns that had lit the path to the stadium had been extinguished. Dark figures were blundering through the trees; children were crying; anxious shouts and panicked voices were reverberating around them in the cold night air.

There was a thud right behind Ben, which nearly caused him to have a heart attack, followed by a female moaning out in pain.


"Are you okay, Delilah?" he heard Thomas ask his cousin.

"Yeah," she replied, sounding quite far away. "I bumped into a branch."

"Where are you?" asked Alycia, from beside Ben.


"Where's here."

"Oh, for Merlin's sake," complained Thomas. "Lumos."

The light coming from the boy's wand illuminated his cousin sitting on the ground, with a red and painful-looking mark in the middle of her face. The branch she had walked into was right in front of her.

Delilah opened her mouth to speak as she got up, but her voice was muffled out by a blast like a bomb sounding from the campsite, followed by a flash of green light that momentarily lit the trees around them.

"What's happening?" asked Delilah, trembling.

"I don't know," answered Thomas. "But I've got my guesses. Let's keep going, come on."

They continued walking up the path, until Ben heard some young voices in front of them. He couldn't understand what they were saying, but he could tell someone was speaking in French, and the others in English. If he wasn't mistaken, they seemed to be four girls, and two boys, judging by their silhouettes.

"Où est Madame Maxime? Nous l'avons perdue..." was saying a girl.

"Who?" asked a voice. A voice that sounded oddly similar to Ron Weasley's.

"Madame Maxime?" she repeated. "Vous ne parlais pas Français?"

"What's she saying?"

"I wish Ben was with us, he speaks French," he heard another voice. It was Harry's voice, undeniably. Ben's heartbeat raised, and he immediately walked up to them.

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