The favor (Evangelia)

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Sitting in my car and taking up my phone it says 5:30 AM, I didn't sleep much at all so tired doesn't even begin to describe how i am feeling right now. But i have a competition at 3:00 PM so i have to suck it up. Taking one last deep breath trying to mute out the pain before walking out my car.

Arriving in side i feel coach Harrison's eyes in the back of my neck.
"Evangelia, stop right there" And that's exactly what i do.

"You are competing today and i expect you to win" He says as he is walking closer to me keeping the eye contact "You can't make the team suffer because of your recklessness can you now?"

" No coach i will be competing at the top of my game!"

"Oh and that is what i like about you... now tell me how is that precious head of yours?" He says as he takes his hand to the back of my head where the stitches are. "Are you in pain?" He asks as he outs his hand on it. It hurt, it hurt so much i wanted to scream at him! but i cant.

"No, it doesn't hurt" i tell him, lying.

"That's my good girl, now put on your skates and get to practice" I start walking away before he says "Oh and by the way you still have to loose at least 9 kg (20 pounds) before the Olympics or you wont be there" i just say 'yes coach' and walk away. He put 44 kg (97 pounds) as my weight or what he wants me to weigh that's impossible, but if that's what coach says then that's what i will do.


Practice sucked, the pain and dizziness grew stronger for every minute but here i am about to walk out on the ice, to compete. I hate the routine it's not me, he wants me to do it so happy. For a second i lost control and went to the sound technician changing the song, then announce it to the speaker. I'm doing this my way now, the routine i created when i fell is the one i will do. The routine will break records if i manage to do it...

"Evangelia black skating to Mount Everest by Labrinth" I hear them call out. Coach Harrison eyeing me from the ground while skating on to the ice. I greet the audience and do a quick warm up lap before getting in the start position. Then it happen, then i hear it "Mount Everest ain't got shit on me..." And i skate away. Feeling a little bit of peace inside, just me, my emotions and the ice. everyone and everything just dissepear.

hHlfway through and i'm so dizzy i'll probably faint at any second. That's when i recall what my first ever coach said "If you really can trust the ice you don't need your eyes" So i did the rest of the number with my eyes closed so i wouldn't faint. I already disappointed coach now i have to win or i can kiss the gold goodbye. When i'm done i hurry of the ice in to the changing rooms and throw up. But it was worth it, it really was!

The door slams open loudly "What the actual fuck do you think you are doing ha! YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING YOU STUPID BITCH!" And here we are again. pain shoots through my left cheek... "You are an ungrateful little shit, you have not only humiliated me but the whole team which means the whole country! that's on you!" He just walks out like nothing after that.

Getting out on the ice again to watch the price ceremony, probably won't be apart of it based on coaches reaction. My teammate Alyssa got second place and then i hear "and first place goes to Evangelia Black" and i'm shocked! my makeup ruined and vomit breath, i quickly take a gum from my bag and skate out on the ice to get the medal. Looking over the small audience i see someone familiar...That stupid idiot guy who caused me too fall, i stand there just staring at him. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE, is he some sort of stalker.

The ice is cleared and the people gone, but coach punished me by making me stay and do the original routine for today's competition. I have to do it until not the smallest thing goes wrong. Perfection of every movement. Which might take some time.


40 minutes wasn't so bad! I thought it would be much worse than that, but he is amused with how it looks so i hurry back from the ice before he change his mind.while standing next to him a man approaches us "Nikolai Harrison, you most certainly have real talent on your team" The mystery man says

"Yes Evangelia is that one in a million on the ice" Coach says giving a fake smile.

"Sorry how rude of me, Marcus Samuelson coach for the Ottawa senators, they practice on the same ice as you!" He takes out his hand for me to shake and that i do.

"Hello nice to meet you Mr. Samuelson"

"I could really say the same Ms.Black. I am actually here to ask a favor of you" Mr. Samuelson says looking me straight in the eyes with a warm smile.

"Oh of course anything!"

"Some of the guys on my team tend to hold back a little on the ice, so i wondered if you could join us at a practice and teach them to trust the ice" he tells me waiting for an answer.

"Yeah sure absolutely she will!" coach Harrison tells him.

"Good i'll see you Sunday at 2:00 PM" i just nod and walk away

Gathering my things i start walking towards the entrance when i see him still being here. What does he want? i get to the register and fill in some papers after the win today and then a camera man takes his picture for some figure skating magazine. After i feel a presence approaching me

"You know stalking is a crime right?"

authors note:
i feel like this chapter was a little bit messy but i still like i hope you guys will to!
word count: 1043

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