Getting the band back together

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"Oh wait I'm sorry, wrong Anderson family! I'm so so sorry" the doctor say

Oh thank fucking god. That sentence only mean one thing... death. When they ask you to sit down or go into a more private room. Then you know. When you are the person they ask you don't know because you're in denial. But everyone knows that's what's happening.

Fucking moron of a doctor though! Like what the fuck! How do you have the wrong fucking family! Well okay maybe it's not that easy, look I don't fucking know! But I dislike that prick! He does look like an intern though... then I just feel bad for the guy.

I tell them I have to check in on Adonis. And she agrees and tell me to get a shower and get changed and eat plus sleep. I don't really have time or the energy for that! I need to be with Adonis he is my only priority until Noah comes out of that operation. Then they both are! Until I know they're fine by themselves.

I talk to team who's responsible for finding who sent those assassins, who by the way did a terrible fucking job! And they say that they had run the bullet through the system.... It matches the fucking Albanians hand Guns

I call Isla

"You just started a fucking war, make sure your alliance buddies are ready to fucking die"

"They already are..." she say in a shaking voice

"I killed them..."

"I'm a killer"

"I just started a war..." I can't help but burst out fucking laughing. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?

"what are you talking about?"

"He said during our meeting that he killed them so I shot him! Angie I shot him!"

"Was that your first official kill?"


"Good for you! Now get your as to Paris and tell me what the fuck is going on! I'm calling Tasha too" guess we're getting no the band back together.

Adonis had to be rushed into emergency surgery again! 'Our of the woods' he said! Fucking Moron doctor! I'll kill him! No, I won't, weeeell if he kills them then yes!

Something about a blood clot or something.

Fuck I can't, I can't loose either of them! I mean Noah is still in surgery. Apparently they were done and then some artery or something bursted and they saw that they had forgotten something! Is this hospital filled with morons or what?

I forced Mia and Helena to go to a hotel and promised to call and get them if anything changed. But they needed to sleep and the hotel is out the parking lot so, they're not far.

And here I am once again, in a empty and cold waiting room. Waiting to see if my life ends today. I mean the two of them are probably everything I have. Even though I don't really have Noah... I need him to be alive. How I'm I supposed to be if he's not?

The hours are going by so slow and I can't anymore!
Helena came back at 7 in the morning to switch  me of. I asked Johnny to take Mia so that she could have some fun and Helena something less to worry about right now.

I'm going to meet up with Tasha and Isla at the office.

"Hello ladies, now Isla you have some fucking talking to do!" I say bursting into the office. My will to live at absolute zero and my energy below that so! No time to waste! I have places to be and people to kill!

"Well uhm the whole thing was a boycott from the inside-" I slam my hand and laugh out

"I knew it! Sorry... sorry... continue..." they just stare at me really weird. Like they've seen a ghost.

"David gave me the idea but I didn't know he would kill Nathan, Noah and Adonis. I'm sorry okay I know how much they all mean to you!"

"Don't! Don't pretend like you care right now!"

"Azzy she killed the guy at least!"

"She should have done that earlier, like maybe after you found out he killed Nathan... A CHILD! But who am I too say anything...." She looks down

"For your own personal comfort... Noah and Adonis are not dead, yet! There is a possibility" she looks at me with hope and joy.

"Look you killed the guys, good for you! But Isla you are not my friend, nor will not be for a good while!" Tasha knows to stay out of it

"There was noth-"

"Don't do that! There was things you could do! Like I don't know maybe pick up the phone and say 'hey I'm sorry you lost Nathan I know what he meant to you' or I don't know keep track on what the fuck your alliance buddies are doing! You have responsibility's in the alliance to like knowing who they are planning to kill! Maybe next time do your fucking job" she's crying, now I'm the bad guy! Alway!

"I know I'm just, I'm new to this Angie I don't know how this works!"

"I told you it was too early to leave and do this on your own, but you didn't listen!" She sobs even more

Good how do I make this stop! I can't just stop being angry with her! Does she even understand where I'm coming from, I don't fucking understand!

"Look I know I'm harsh but you need to do better! I was there to help you, teach you! Next time let me do that instead of going all hill billy on me" she laugh a little. And Tasha join in with a little chuckle.

We talk through it all and just decide to just work together against this. Though she can't involve Elijah because he wants to be in neutral grounds right now. Since the mafia world is rocky right now. Which I totally respect! He choose his people over everything, that's a Nobel man's decisions

We pack up and I hear my phone ringing, it's Helena... I pick up

"Evangelia you need to get over here right now!"

Her voice signaled pain and sadness....

No please I can't....

Authors note:
We'll I have hope okay! So should all of you!
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Word count: 1058

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