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I slept like a baby, but I can tell Noah didn't. It's the small things, blinking, tensed muscles and you know just small things.

"Are you sure you don't just want a day home, I can take time of work! You're tired, we can watch a movie or whatever." I tell him

"Noooo I'm fine Angel, you have work and I... have Adonis to annoy!" He says the last part overly happy. I love that the two of them are getting along, Adonis insist that he's a pain in his ass and all that. But I'm not stupid, they like each others company.

"We'll be kind to him please! He's old" I feel like I'm telling a child to behave.

"I'm not old!" Is my house a teenage dorm or something.

"You do have grey hairs" Noah weigh in

"How do you know that? I do not!" And no the bickering start, children!

I did say I'm going to work... am I? No I'm not. I'm going to the rink.... There's an ice rink about an hour away. I've been here a couple of times, but not skated yet. It's like I put everything on but when it's time to step on the ice I just stop.

It's sooooo ridiculous I know! But I've read online (I know it's not a good idea...) And Google says it's some sort of traumatic response shit! I've been through worse things so I'm not sure Google has the answer to everything.

I'm standing inside the rink waiting to step on the ice. You know what! Fuck this shit I'm just doing it!






Fuck I'm doing it! Yes okay, well I feel like I'm five and just skating for the first time.

No I'm doing well, it feels right! There's no one else here at the moment. Except the person working here.

"Can I play a song for my routine?" I ask kindly at an elderly woman sweeping the floor.

"Of course dear, you look familiar.... Are you a professional?"

"I used to be"

"Evangelia black?" She asks

"Yes ma'am" she smile

"My granddaughter watch you all day long!" Oh

"Oh I would love to meet her! Is she here?"

"No, but she will be after school"

"Oh I can wait, it's been a while since I skated so I might be here a while" I say flashing her a smile

She nods and walk away to out on the music. When the music starts I realize that I asked her to put on Mount Everest... its like that song is imbedded in my brain. All I connect this sport to is that fucking song.

"I'm sorry can we do literally any other song, I know I requested it but-"

"Darling I know, we can change to anything!" She says in a soothing way.

4,5 hours later and my feet are dead, my legs are on fire, and let's not talk about the bruising I'm going to have.

But i haven't felt this alive in forever. I've been perfectly happy and all that. I feel alive but not like this. I think I forgot that it wasn't always about that fucking gold! I used to do this to escape reality and paint a perfect picture in my imagination.

And now I'm actually fucking angry with myself for letting that part go! That gold was all I fought for, and I don't want that. I want to fight to be happy and skating makes me more than fucking happy!

I could have it all, Noah, skating, friends, my job! I can finally have it all! I can finally be fucking happy!
And I just realized what I had to do... and I can't do that in France....

"So what are we doing now?" I ask Adonis

"We've been all over town for four hours I'm fucking done!" Wait four hours? I haven't heard a word from Evangelia

"Have you talked to Lia?" I say more like a statement than a question

"No... have you?" What if something happened?


I call her repeatedly, after 6 phone calls she picks up.

"Hey, sorry I was in the shower!" Oh thank god.

"I was just worried, none of us had heard from you in hours!" She sighs tiredly over the phone.

"Yeah sorry I've been busy with work, I'm quite tired so can we order something in today?" She really sound tired we'll more exhausted.

"Yeah anything you want! We're on our way back home." I tell her while entering the car, she immediately connects to the car Bluetooth.

"Oh okay, what have you been up to?" Oh shit... what am I supposed to tell her...

"We've been just strolling around" I say panicking. Adonis stare at me and takes over

"We've been to a couple parks, stores, he has eaten two ice creams! Two in one day! I thought athletes were supposed to be healthy" I don't like ice cream so that did not help at fucking all!

"Has Noah eaten ice cream?" Adonis stare at me with panic, we're screwed!

"Yep, wanted to try two different and new flavors to see if I like it"


"Well we need to get going so we'll see you soon! Bye love you" and then I hang up before she could answer...

"How the fuck do you not like ice cream? What's wrong with you?" He ask me

"Well it's cold and you get a brain freeze... fuck she's onto us!"

"You we're the one who thought it was a good idea to lie to her! She'll cut us alive and feed us to your fucking dog!" We're panicking a lot... a lot!

"Don't curse before mentioning Marly she's the best dog ever!"

"Yeah have fun thinking about that in your death bed!" The audacity of this man! He's mean!

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck!" I slightly scream out

"Don't swear!" ?????????

"You swear!"

"So? If I jump from a bridge would you?" He sounds like my mom!

"Have you impregnated a woman, and is practicing your mother skills on me?" If stares could kill you I would be dead!

"Yep, sorry, I take that back! Instantly!"

"Just fucking drive home! In silence!"

And that I do... I think I angered him...

I don't know if they have a bromance or mother and son relationship...

What do you think they've been up to?

Word count: 1070

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