Baba (Evangelia)

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I don't know if you've noticed but I love teasing men, it's my thing! I mean how can you not love it... e
Especially the look when they're all hot and bothered and you just stop.

I did just leave him there knowing he can't go to the changing room, because all the guys will se how hard he is! That was my plan, to make him admit how good I make him feel and then leave him there all horny and hard. He did cock block me and did make me leave the club horny and frustrated. But I did take care of that myself, I did have company my my vibrator. She never disappoints!

And this time I decided to drive to the office, I work from home during brakes and the night. I don't sleep much so I work instead. I've missed the office though. I run a security business, we sell security cameras and you can hire security guards through us. I always lived by myself with no protection or anything. So the security systems and cameras are really cheap and you can apply to get them for free! But there's criteria's for that and we do a check through our systems before granting it!

And now I also own a restaurant + club chains. Like multiple restaurants and clubs over the country and the US. Hopefully we'll expand to Europe soon enough. My dream is to have them all over in France and the UK, even some of the smaller country's like Sweden and Austria. I really don't limit my imagination when it comes to my company. I don't believe in dreams, I believe in making them goals instead.

"Oh your here today, are you supposed to?" My assistant Chelsea asks

"Do i need permission to be in my own office?" I ask back jokingly

"No of course not I just didn't see you in the caland-"

"Chelsea breath I'm joking with you!" I say and laugh "I just wanted to get in and see how everything's going"

"Oh okay haha I actually have a message for you and someone left a voicemail for you" hmmm weird usually they just leave a message with Chelsea.
I get in and sit down putting up my laptop and then press play on the office phone to play the voicemail.

"Hello Azaria! It's baba, I know you have missed us! It's been a long time, me and your mother want to talk to you about something very important, call us goodbye"

What the actual fuck! I have not spoken to either of them in years... what makes them think the can just call to my fucking office and act like parents is is because they saw my magazine cover for being a billionaire or what's the deal! And what makes them think I'll call them back! What the fuck I don't know what to do m. I'm not gonna call them back that's for sure.

But can I get a restraining order against them? I mean they haven't done anything to me in the past 7 years. Well neglecting their child might be reason enough. Hmmm maybe I can go to my legal team and ask if that would work, let's do it!
"Hey Chelsea is the legal team in meeting or are their schedules free?".

"No they're free, do you want me to book you in?" Well that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

"No I'll just walk there now, thank you"  I start walking towards the legal department thinkig of how I can ask this without making it suspicious.

"Hey Michael are you free right now?" I ask him, he's surprised to see me.

"Oh hi! Yeah of course what's on your mind?" He looks intrigued by my visit.

"Well I wonder if hypothetically if your parents disowned you 7 years ago, and are now trying to get back into your life. Can you get some sort of restraining order against them?" I ask trying to not make it too obvious.


"Don't ask just answer please" I beg

"Well you could sue them for neglect or abandonment of child. But because it was 7 years ago I'm not sure it'll go through. Plus you would need evidence, and by the look you just gave me when I said that you don't have them. But then also it's all hypothetical, right?" The look he gave me was hope full, but underneath it he knew.

"Well okay then, thank you for your time"

"Evangelia, if there's something goin go on you would tell me, right" he knew what he was doing, I can't lie to him. But I have to...

"Yeah of course I would! Now I have things to get done, you know I'll be gone for a while during the Olympics and work don't do it self!" I tell him flashing a smile

"You know asking for help or a substitute while you're gone doesn't make you any less human, it actually makes you very much human."

"Haven't I told you? I'm not human! I'm an alien" I say smiling once again

"Ahhh suddenly you make so much more sense" he smiles back.
I just nod and walk out, well that wasn't much help now! But I'll figure something out I mean not call them. Not like they're gonna come here, or are they? I don't know I don't know them at all, sometimes I wonder if they regret their decision or if they think about me.

But as soon as I catch myself in those thoughts I distract myself with work mostly work or skating. But now Work, I meet with the design team to try and make higher functioning spy cameras for the Canadian and American military force. It's a big deal it's also highly classified, which means I have to be very careful about who's on the team.

I don't leave the office at all I just work there all night and end up in a business call about my new club in New Orleans.

"But I don't see the issue you are trying to get at!"

"New Orleans is run by mafia and gangs there is no way you could keep the club for more than 2 hours!"

"Yet again you underestimate me, let me handle that"

"Absolutely when you get killed don't be surprised" he tells me

"Dead people can't be surprised! They're dead"
I hang up on him, and call Luca and Giovanni Russo. The head of the New Orleans mafia

"Luca, Giovanni I think it's time for us to have a talk"

"Well hello to you too, Ms.Olympic. Yes I do agree from the rumors I have heard. We will be in Ottawa next week!"

"Well then I guess that is settled, tell Isla I say hello!" And I hung up, yes I did just hang up on mafia leaders, believe me they are not as scary as you'd think!

Well today is no practice for the boys and coach Harrison is out of town so I actually won't go to the ice rink at least not if I don't feel like it. God that felt weird to say. Not having to be there just feels weird, so I'll probably go anyways.

Authors note:
Ohhhh is her family making a comeback or what do you think?
Don't forget to vote!
Word count: 1234

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