Just watching (Noah + evangelia)

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Shawn has set up the computers and everything we all are sitting there and watching.

"There she is right outside, going from the back. Stupid!" There's more of them in the back of the house."

"But she wouldn't know that!"

"Right... we'll I'm praying for her! She starts with the rifle... good choice!"

"You guys just sit here and comment it?" I ask

"She wanted an evaluation and this is easier than just writing her mistakes because then we'll just get more and more worried about the small things!" Shawn says, I just nod and I kinda understand that.

"Wait you sit here and watch her kill people?" I ask

"Well what's the deal we watch movies where they kill others..." Steve says

"Yeah well that's fake..." I add

"But it doesn't look like it" Shawn says

Then I heard gun shots I didn't see it but I heard it. So I had to look to make sure she's fine! And she was, but there are 4 bodies how does she not get affected by it! I mean they're dead...

"Because she turns it off" Steve says out of no where


"She does this thing we're she turns her human emotional instincts of she doesn't feel anything except anger. Usually it's always off, but someone made her feel a little bit alive..." he say and look at me with a smile.

"What?" I say again

"It doesn't affect her because she close of her emotional side she don't feel but you made her feel. You made her open the door to emotion! We kinda envy you for that, we've all tried and failed!" Shawn tells me

"Really, I really did that?"

"Yes! The cred is yours!" Steve says

"I just, I uh-"

"Love her, we know, now let us watch! This is getting exciting!"

I watched it with them and I regret it! I see her slaughtering people like it's nothing...

"Hey these people are human traffickers the buy women rape them, torture them and then kill them. Then to top it of they send the body in a big box to the families. They fucking deserve it!" What the fuck! How can someone do that.

"Noah if I were to ever meet a person I know for a fact is a rapist I would murder them in the middle of a mall during rush hour!" Now I understand why Lia didn't tell them about zach I mean I will kill the guy if I ever meet him... I had an idea and it's bad it's really and but it's so ducking good.

"Yeah is that right? What if I knew someone..." I say

"Well give me a name and I'll get it done in the next hour!" We'll hen

"He lives in Thailand though!" I add

"We have offices around the world, Thailand is one of them... wait Thailand isn't that where Zach moved?" Shawn say

"That's what she didn't tell us huh? He did that? I will fucking murder him with my own hands that sick monster will die!!!" Steve slightly yell out

"What's going on?" Shawn says

"Look you can't tell her I told you! She will tell you herself when the time is right for her. She haven't even processed It she doesn't let herself..." I tell them

"Yeah I still don't know what's going on?" Shawn says

"Zach raped Angie!" Steve says, Shawn starts looking up tickets to Thailand. Well I guess it's settled then.

Before we could continue the conversation, we hear her scream for Mitchko as he shoots her... she fucking shot... WHAT IF SHE DIES AND I DIDN'T GET TO SAY THAT I LOVE HER!

"She she needs help! They have to go in! She will die." They start laughing... why the fuck would they laugh

"Do you know how many times she's been shot... neither do I to be honest I lost count after 6 times..." Steve says

"Look she's already fighting him off and look at the size difference it's huge!" Shawn adds

"Wow she really is badass huh" I say once again mesmerized by her.

"Yeah she really is!"

When she's done with the basement she finds herself yet again with a gun to the head this time she's the one to laugh! But he's a child... she can't kill him, can she? Is she capable? Right before we got to se what happens the cameras die down

Did she murder the boy?

After getting out with the boy I tell Jason to collect whatever he can.

"What's your name?" I ask him

"Nathan ma'am!" They've trained him like a soldier, poor child.

"You don't have to call me ma'am only those guys do! I'm Evangelia but my family calls me Angie so you can do that to!" I usually hate all types of human beings especially children but this boy needs me I can feel it!

"We're not family?" He says in a questioning tone

"No but I'm not leaving you so I was going to propose you stay with me for at least i while" I tell him while flashing a smile.

Isla is being driven to the office with four guys, in case something were to happen.

"Were you shot" he says in panic

"Yea but I promise it's fine! He can't hurt me anymore. And he definitely can't hurt you anymore!"

We get into the car and start driven to the office to. My phone was destroyed before the mission just as a precaution. So we small talk while driving until we get there. I left Nathan with Chelsea and told her to show him all the fun things and keep him occupied while I talked to everyone.

I walk in my personal office with everyone inside I'm covered in blood. My own but mostly others. I stitched my arm then and there.

"The mighty warrior is back!" Steve says

"Well I'm neither mighty nor a warrior. Now the report Shawn!"

"Lia you just got back from all that and the only thing you care about is the report! You didn't even acknowledge the people, nor did you take a second to breath about what happened!you made some though calls in there..." Is Noah kidding, if I take a second I will be consumed with what I've done! And none of the calls were tough it was to save Isla! I'd do anything!

" first of all there were no though decisions I did it all to save Isla and I would do it again! Second of all how I process or not process this is none of your business because you have no idea! So give me the report!" I know that was rude but it's the truth.

Chelsea walked in with Nathan and suddenly Noah looks relived...

"Oh good god he's alive" what the fuck! I give Chelsea a look that says get him out now!

"You thought I would KILL him? He's FUCKING 11 I might be a killer and you have the right to think of me as that! But Noah you ACTUALLY thought I'd kill a CHILD!"

"Your not a killer Lia I never will think of you like that!"

"But i am did you not see that!"

"You did it because it was necessary!"

"No, I could've gone in and gotten her out without killing! But I'm a KILLER and apparently I'm a child murderer."

"You're not a killer!"

"YES I AM! Did you not fucking se that? I shot someone and looked at them with a smile. I've dreamed about the day I would get to shoot them! I loved it!!! But you don't want me to be! That's what this is about... and you started questioned what you wanted me to be so you thought I would kill a child! Well guess what you're wrong! I took him here to help him, save him! You in the other hand just lost your on chance, good job Noah!!!"

Authors note:
Yeah like I've said before I have to leave you guys with cliffhangers sometimes to build some tension and you know just torture you a bit...

Word count: 1364

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