2 years later

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"Today we are all gathered to say goodbye to a dear friend, son and child. His life was too short-" I can't stand here alone at his funeral.

I look at the grave stone and just stare. I'm emptier than I have ever been before! I don't really know what to do, I've lost it all! Natasha and Elijah are in Russia, Isla is back in Italy running a fucking mafia.

Tasha and Elijah left after a month and I started training Isla for real right after he left... and she left me a year ago. It was me and Nathan, but now...it's just me. Nathan is dead and I'm about to declare a war against the Irish mafia for killing him.

After he left me I thrived in my business but I also went back... back into my assassin life. Killing spree's and torture fun. The Queen of hearts is all over the news and has been for two years.

The best two years of my life! Harrison is in jail and I quit figure skating, I couldn't be on the ice without feeling pain. And frankly I didn't want too feel anything at all. So I've been traveling the world killing. Both Tasha and Isla are warning me on how the mafia world wants me dead. But that just makes it more fun!

Also I have one person I see as my friend, Johnny. I mean we're fucking talking about that brainless idiot. But he's my friend, the only one out of them all who actually stayed with me through it all. I know they have their obligations but a phone call would have been nice.

Me, Tasha and Isla used too be inseparable but I guess that time breaks bonds. It's whatever!

I walk home when I suddenly see someone in the corner of my eye... no way it's him! It can't be, can it?

It wasn't

Good I don't have time for that. I have meetings too get to. I hear my phone ringing and pick it up.

"Hey I picked up Charlie from daycare, when do you want me to drop him off?"

Johnnys a dad, his girlfriend mollie is the kindest person and she really made him a better person.

"In an hour, at the office!"

Their having a date night so I offered to take Charlie for the night!


Two years and she's still on my mind.

Two years and I still feel a piece of me that's missing!

Two years and I still know she cares about me... she's had Elijah have someone watch me from afar all day everyday for two years. She might hate me, but that still means she cares about me. Hating is better than forgetting, it means I still have a chance!

I wonder if they have told her that I'm back, in Canada.

I go to her office building, and ask for her. Only too find out she's not here anymore. She left Canada? Why? When? Did she move to Russia? What about Nathan?

I decided to walk up to the body guard that's followed me halfway across the world.

"Do you know where she is?" He just stares

"I've spent 2 years going to this office at least once a month and never ever have they told me that she's moved! So I ask again DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS?" He stares

"CALL ELIJAH!" And he does, as soon as he answers I snatch the phone.

"Where is she? Huh you couldn't fucking tell me that I've been going here for two years waiting for a person who's not even fucking here!"


"Where is she?"

"Ask her"

"Cause she would answer me if I did?!?" I say sarcastically

"Sounds like a you problem" and he hangs up. The guard snatches the phone back and continues staring into thin air.

How the fuck am I supposed to find a fucking Russian assassin! She changed her number a month after I left. She had moved after 6 months, I saw her moving everything and she was so small. Like she hadn't eaten in months.

I went back too Canada at least once a month and I continued to do so for the past two years. When did she move? I mean I haven't seen her since she moved so I guess that was her moving everything.

Her dog Sasha died three months after I left. She had a little funeral! God I miss her, Nathan and just all the fun game nights we had. It was like a family, playing monopoly and just hanging out and laughing.

Now I'm one of the highest valued players on the market. And I'm about to quit... I can't do this anymore! Not without her, it's been two years of nothing but pain.

I have too find her, I might be throwing my career away but what she said isn't true. My career isn't worth loosing everything! It wasn't fucking worth her!

I've been depressed ever since I left, I don't even know the guys on the team. I just practice and go home, have a game then go home.

She made a comeback as 'The queen of hearts' the Russian television loves her. They call her 'the Russian prodigy' she killing mafia people only. Well 162 mafia related people in two years. Not just some people... a lot of people.

She started leaving notes on her victims apparently writing like a memoir. Telling the world their sins, making sure that the people she kills will burn in hell and make the whole world walk on their graves.

She's been all over the world, but she hasn't killed in over a month which is making people wonder if she's dead or if she got caught. But please this woman could and will get away with everything! She's so intelligent that she blew me away everyday! God I miss watching into her beautiful eyes and the gorgeous smile.

I miss my woman!

Authors note:
2 years is a long time, will she forgive him?
Please comment and vote!

Word count: 1023

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