A drunk Angie

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"Who did it? Which little rat is going to die today?" I do like to make entries when I walk into a room. Elijah just stare at me I pleased by it. Well he does live with Natasha not weird that it doesn't face him at all.

"He's in there" and points towards a door. Let's get this party started








Does he seriously work for me, who hired him? He was born to be a cop. I've never seen a person who looks more like a cop then him.

I walk out the room back to Elijah.

"Is this a joke? Do you think this is a joke Elijah?"

"Do I look like someone who jokes?" Fair enough.

"Who is that... guy?" I say in a questioning yet vague tone.

"Edgar, 26, real name: Mickeal Laurent, French born and raised, he's 32 and has been a cop for 6 years. He's new to the under cover world"

"He's not the problem is he?"


"Soooo why did you bring him here?!?" I'm not killing a cop unless his the problem.

"Because he obviously knows who Is are you really that stupid Angie? Huh what is clouding your mind?" Sis he call me stupid? Elijah.... Did Elijah call me stupid? He never does so because swearing and pushing people down is showing that you have a small vocabulary.

"What is clouding your mind?" I ask back, trouble in paradise? Note the sarcasm


"Then why is there a cop in this building with us, stuck to a wall. Instead of following him and monitoring him. Studying his patterns and seeing who he meets. If He gets a call at the same time one day a week or visit the same spot regularly. Elijah you are not this fucking stupid! If he is in this house we have to kill him. Killing a cop for just what monitoring us?we are not this stupid! So once again I ask you what is clouding your mind?"

He stares, long and hard he stares, is he fighting tears?

"Elijah you can talk to me we are family! We might not be friends but we are family even if we don't want to we are"

"It's nothing" he walks into the room with the cop and start interrogating him. Painfully, he is causing more pain to that guy than he deserves. I don't know why every person is loosing it right now!

What is happening! Isla is in love and suddenly blind to reality, blind to see that something is wrong with David. Natasha is Natasha and doesn't talk to people but something is eating her alive, Elijah is crying and torturing a low level cop that is not a danger to anyone.

And god help the struggles I have and Noah. What happened to us! How did we get here?
I sit in the living room, Elijah left a while ago. I made him leave before he escalated. And here I am with a dead body in the room next to me. And the time is not even 3 pm yet. I take a whiskey bottle from Elijah's fine collection and chug a little before starting the clean up.

Blood there is a lot of blood and for some fucking reason it's making me sick! Blood making me sick? No way blood is nothing. It's probably just being tired from yesterday. Or the whiskey about to exit my body the same way it entered.

I'm halfway through the bottle and I feel like literal fucking shit. Killing innocent people is not what I do and never have done! It's against the few morals I do have. And he doesn't kill unless absolutely necessary. His a smart man I don't understand what is going on.

The door opens and my head quickly turns towards it. Natashas home...

"You should leave" I tell her

"This is my home you sh- what the fuck happened"

"You should leave and find your husband because something is very fucking Wrong with him!" I half yell.

"No not until I know that you are alright! Are you wasted? Like not tipsy actually wasted?"

"Yes I am, and I am fine it's Elijah that needs your pity" she looks weird at me


"He killed an innocent cop and also the man cursed at me! He used curse words, his vocabulary must have shrunk with at least 2000 words" She sighs at my statement.

And then she starts cleaning. I got too drunk to actually clean this up... but she goes right at it.

"You are wifey material? Wanna get married?" She laughs at my drunk comment.

"He thinks I cheated" she says while continuing to clean


"His pissed because he thinks I cheated on him with his uncle... mitchko"

"Mitchko is dead Natasha how coul-"

"I know the truth Angie! I know he's not dead I know that you and Elijah faked his death to keep torturing him until the end of time" well that backfired and I think I'm sober...

"Look I'm not mad about it I understand the two of you! But he thinks I'm actively cheating with mitchko"

"How? Why"

"I visited him almost every day, I needed to. I needed to get closure so I went there everyday. And Elijah don't know that I was... that I used to be one of his. That he owned me like he did you..." oh now that makes sense well no kinda not.

"Why not tell him?"

"He thinks I'm weak already he doesn't need to know my trauma like that. It's not like he really cares." Is this a joke?

"Tasha he does not think you are weak and he does care! Me and Isla and Noah are just sitting here waiting for the two of you to realize that you love each other. We are waiting for you to just get some sense into your brain! Both of you"

"You're drunk Angie, I'm not sure taking love advice from you is the smartest thing" she says with a smile. She knows that what I'm saying is true. Can they just for once see that they do love each other!

I also want them too realize that they love each other! I love Elijah and Tasha like please!!!

Word count: 1062

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