Contracted love

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I feel like an idiot, I've been sitting with her all day talking about children and a farm house... but I know we won't even last that long, she said I'm her family and her world! FUCK! I'm an idiot, here I am laying next too the best thing that has ever happened too me, and I'm lying, lying about our future.

She will never forgive me, never! Well it's not that surprising...

"Harrison stop!" She yell in her sleep... Harrison, like her coach Harrison?"

"Hey, Lia wake up it's me Noah, you're safe..." she wakes up frightened and she is immediately up on her feet.

"I uh I need to get too the rink I've skipped practice and, and- and uhm I have a competition- the Olympics, you know the the competition!" She say all that while gathering her stuff and then just walks out!

What the fuck is happening? I already have my suspicions on him but what the actual fuck is going on! I mean she seemed scared, of him? I mean she have killed people... like actually killed people... why is she scared of him?

"LIA WAIT! LIA- PLEASE WAIT!" I follow her too the hallway and grab her arm

"AZARIA!" Oh shit... no... no I did not just... shit!

"What did you just say?" Oh no!

"Look I'm sorry! You scared me and didn't respond-"

She cuts me off by saying
"NOAH don'!" And then slam the door... well a good way to not make her hate me already!

That was rude yes, I slammed a door in his face! But Azaria... no, he knows better! I know that he knows better! Fuck I'm just, I'm panicking! Okay I'm not going too win the Olympics and if I don't... then he will kill me, well I will kill him but I won't be able too smile about it! I deserve too smile about it!

The rink is open 24/7, if you wanna win gold then 24/7 it is.

"Thought I would find you here!" Elijah?

"Are you not supposed to be with Natasha?"

"You know love makes us blind sometimes?" What is he talking about?

"It makes us turn of our instincts! It makes sure we don't see the signs we are supposed too!" He adds

"What are you going on about Elijah?"

"You and me both know something is off with him... don't let your stupid feelings be your death! Natasha will kill me if you die!"

"She will kill you? And don't come too me and talk about Noah like that! Nothing is off with him, something traumatic for him was going on and you out of us both should know the feeling of our partner being in danger and the stress and panic that puts you through!"

"Don't disrespect me like that Evangelia. I don't know, well I didn't until today... but like you know we don't love each other! This was arranged, but he loves you, you love him.. weak!" Is he serious!

"LOVE DOES NOT MAKE YOU WEAK! Not if it's built on trust and loyalty then it strengthens you! And don't come here and tell me you don't love her! You love her! You won't admit it too yourself or too her but you do! You didn't want too but you do! Elijah how could you not! She is the most gorgeous and talented women in this world!" He just stares at me calmly.

"I just got here to tell you that he is lying about something, it's not my business but I just had too make sure you see it! That you are not blinded by the  great and mighty love!"

"just like you said not your business! Leave! I have too practice"

"Yeah! The Olympics, big thing! But how have you not killed that coach of yours? I mean the touching and-"

"ELIJAH! What is it that you want with me! Huh? You come here into my rink and first disrespect the love of my life and then think that you have a say on my life? No!"

"Look I don't want too but... a part of the deal when I and Natasha got married was that I would look after you... wether you like it or not it's in the contract! So stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop taking all this abuse and start seeing that something is wrong with that little golden retriever boyfriend of yours!"

This was all too much information in one minute for me too process!

"I'm the contract... YOU HAVE A CONTRACT FOR LOVE! And you think I am the sad and delusional one? A contract that forces you too love her, and you do love her! But a contract... and you judge me and my life? Huh yeah... that sounds healthy..."

I start skating and just ignore everything he says... fucking asshole! I want too kill him! But nooo she had too marry and fall for the biggest ass in the fucking world!

I'm on my way too the hospital to talk to Natasha, I need too know what the hell is going on!

"Hello Natasha am I, uhm am I disturbing you right now?"

"No, no come in! Elijah is with Azzy so it's just us, what's going on?"

"Tell me, please tell me what's going on with her! I don't understand, I don't!"

" hahah Noah darling that woman is impossible to ever get a grip on! At the same time she is simple, never got love, never had a family, she is cold... rightfully so! But just hug her every day, and one day she will realize that you won't leave and she will be hugging you back! That's her thing one day her mind just decides that you are a 100% trustworthy! Hahaha like I said impossible, yet fully possible!"

"Hahah yeah she is uhm she really is both possible and impossible to understand! So are you and Elijah like in love? It just seemed so distant between you two and Lia told me to just ask you..."

"We uhm have an arranged marriage... well it's for business you know!" That's gotta be hard... to marry just for business!

"But tell me Noah, do you have plans of family in the future?"


"With Evangelia?"


"And still you haven't told her that you are moving.. to Russia? You know that tells me that you don't plan on having her in your future especially since you're leaving when she is at the Olympics!" How the hell does she know


"Noah me and my husband are like the it people of the criminal world. I can get to know everything in the entire world if I feel like it... and you are together with my person so I will find out every little thing you have ever done in your entire life! And the things you are going too do!"

"I should have known that..."

"Yes! Yes Noah you should! And you should also know what it is you are doing right now! Breaking her.... Especially pretending that the two of you will have a family... farm house.... A farm house..... Noah you need too tell her!"

"I know that! Don't you think I know that!"

"THEN DO IT!" She is right... but I can't!

"I need too go!"

"Tell her... or I will!"

Authors note:
Do you think he will tell her?

Please comment and vote!

Word count: 1248

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