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I stood in front of Benny's house and rung the door bell, I'd never been here before but I liked his house. It was blue and white and had a garden that could have been nice if it hadn't been such a dry spell recently. 

A girl with curly brown hair and tanned skin opened the door, she was wearing a cute purple tank top and flare jeans, she wore an evil eye necklace and golden earrings. "You must be the princess, it's nice to meet you I'm Emily."

"I'm Caroline, it's nice to meet you." I said as she lead me inside, she grinned, "I'm Emily, but you can call me Emmy, most people do, I don't mind either theres not much of a difference. Cute dress, most of Benny's friend only wear flares and dusty jeans so it's rare I get to say something like that." 

I laughed, and looked at my dress, it was one of my favourites, a hot pink, spagetti strap summer dress. "Cute top, you're the Emily thats joining our school next week right?" 

She nodded, "Yeah I'm going to be living with my Aunt now my Mom lost custody and my dad is dead so..." 

"Welcome to the club." I muttered. She frowned, "divorce kid club?"

I shook my head, "dead parent club, my mom died when I was eleven. I don't quite know why I said that."

Emily grinned, "I thought it was funny, I can't really make jokes like that around my friends it makes them worried, you should see the way that Benny squirms." 

I snorted, "Yeah I can imagine, maybe I should try it on him." 

Emily grinned, "please do. So how does someone as cool as you become friends with my cousin? I mean I love him but you know I never thought he had any friends who didn't play baseball."

I laughed, Benny and I were not friends and I was still mad at him about Benedict and my Dad, although I guess my dad wasn't really his fault. "We're not really friends, I'm also really mad at him because he totally blew for with me and a guy I liked, I'm here because he's my history tutor and I have a test tomorrow." 

Emily's eyes lit up, "oh my god, you're the girl that punched him in the face and broke his nose! The one who suspended. Why did you do it?"

I nodded, "Yeah and I'm grounded until I apologise for that, I'm on;y allowed over here until for tutoring until I do. I punched him because he told my Dad that the boy I liked was horrible and whatever and now my Dad won't let me see him because he doesn't trust my judgement as much as he tursts Benny's. Also why did you call me princess when I walked through the door?"

"Well that would be because Benny thought it would be hilarious if I greeted you like that, speaking of which where the hell is he?" She mutterd reaching for the phone. I shrugged, "I figured he'd be here, but he's probably still at the sandlot or something. As long as he shows up eventually I guess I'll be fine, besides you seem nice I don't mind spending time with you." 

Emily grinned, "same, come on lets go to my room I need some advice on what to keep and wha to throw out." 

I got up and followed her to her room, I sat down on her bed as she opened her cupboard doors, she held out a skirt that looked a little bit like it had been made out of a curtain. "Do you want me to be blunt?" I asked. She nodded, "just say throw or keep. This skirt is throw right?"

I nodded, "yes please." 

We went through her things for about half an hour before she sat down on the bed next to me, when I heard the door open. "Benny?" Emily yelled from her place on the bed, we had started flicking through magazines.

"Lola and Aunt Natalie," Natalie's voice called back, "isn't Benny supposed to be turtoing Caroline Baker right now?"

"She's up here with me we're waiting for him Aunt Nat!" Emily called back. There was a moment of silence before I heard somoen yell Lola and then footsteps up the stairs. A really pretty girl with sleek, curled, black hair tied back in a pony tail, dark skin like Benny's and a yellow sun dress opened the door. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now