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An hour and a half later Caroline came running up to me, "come on, we have to go back to the appartment quickly, I want to change before my cousins come. I already asked my father and he said we were free to go. I promise you what I have planned is way more fun, all this will be reduced to is a bunch of wasted adult singing their praises about the MLB at top volume." 

"Okay." I answered as she pulled me towards the back door and down the fire escape. When we walked out of the back exit I could see the car was already waiting for us. We were driven back to the appartment block before Caroline rushed me into the lift and pressed the penthouse floor button. 

Once we were upstairs she went into her room and started rummaging around in her closet like a crazy woman. "What are you looking for?" I asked her amused. 

"My dress," she answered as the pair of boots she threw back landed behind her with a thump. "Aha! I found it! Wait outside while I go change, I promise it'll only take a second." 

I closed the door behind me and waited for her to come back out, this dress was far shorter than the other one. It was black, with a tight top couple inches and a flowy rest. She was also wearing skin colour tights and black boots, a black cardigan to make it slightly warmer. Satisfied that she looked nice Caroline hurried me out of the appartment and back outside of the appartment building. 

I could already see three kids our age waiting further down the sidewalk, two of them looked uncannily similar. Tanned skin, light brown/caramel hair and hazel eyes. One was a boy and the other a girl, the boy was in a suit and the girl was wearing a silvery, short camisole dress. The third one was also a girl, she had dark red hair and was wearing red tube dress. 

Caroline tore off down the street towards them and I walked behind watching as she flung her arms around each of them estatically. "EVAN!" she shrieked practically leaping on the red headed girl. 

I walked over to the other two, "hi I'm Benny, it's nice to meet you." 

The boy nodded holding out his hand, "I'm Damien Caroline's cousin, and this is Francesca, my twin sister. Everyone calls her Frankie though." That explained the resemblance. 

"You're Benny?" Frankie asked surprised. "The way Caroline described you I would have thought you were a hideous... what's that word she used Dame?" 

"Bridge troll?" I offered. 

Frankie nodded, "that's the one." 

Why was I not surprised? Although I couldn't really talk since I hadn't painted a much more flattering image of her to Emmy before they met either.

Damien turned to Caroline laughing, "I can't believe my girlfriend got a better greeting from my own cousin than I did."

She rolled her eyes amused, "always the drama queen, it's not my fault Evan is more fun than you." She introduced me to Evan quickly before we got into the next car.

"You must be the baseball prodigy." Evan said sweetly as she sat down next to me, "I've heard a lot about you." 

"I can't imagine a lot of it would have been positive." I replied making her laugh. 

"It's not as bad as you think." She replied.

"Where are we going?" Caroline asked her cousins, popping open one of the coca colas in their limo's mini fridge. 

"Serena is having a party at hers, she's delusional enough to think we can still use the pool on the roof but the water is freezing so I didn't tell you to bring anything for that. If you really want to go swimming I'm sure she'll lend you something, she adores you Lina." Damien explained. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now