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We had gotten back from New York last night and I was exausthed, I had no idea how Caroline spent whole summers there without collapsing or how they lived their whole lives like that. Well, with Caroline to was probably that she didn't drink or some or anything so she was never hungover but her friends jesus christ two days had already knocked me out. I didn't know how the managed it as a life style. 

"God what did she do you tin New York." Emmy asked amused as she walked into my room to see me sprawled across my bed. 

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked her tiredly. 

"Where's the fun in that?" Emmy asked taking a seat. 

"Do you think Caroline knows more about you than you do about her?" I asked suddenly, it had been bothering me ever since the taxi ride to the plane when we left for New York. 

Emmy shrugged, "maybe, I don't think so but it's definitely possible, she's one of the most observant people I know. Caroline picks up on everything and she has a really good memory so she knows all of the little details. Why?" 

I shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I just feel like she knows me better than I know her. Wouldn't it bother you if she did?"

Emmy shrugged, "I have bigger problems on my plate so I don't really think about that crap too much if I'm honest."

That much was fair enough. "Does it bother you?" She asked. 

"Kind of, she said something about us knwoing eachother for eight years now so obviously she'd know things but I don't think I know that much about her. I didn't even know she spoke spanish." I told her. 

Emmy frowned, "you didn't? She talks in Spanish to Rosita all the time. Umm okay let me even the playing field for you then, I'll tell you a couple things about her. Obviously her favourite colour is pink, her favourite song is nowhere man by the beatles, she brings flowers to her mother's grave on all her birthdays and the day she dies too. Maybe don't mention to her I told you that, I'm not sure I should have. Caroline's favourite season is summer, her favourite sport is tennis, but she tells her Dad it's baseball because she doesn't wnt to hurt his feelings." 

Eight years and all of that was completely new information to me. Did I not have eyes and ears or something, maybe Caroline was right maybe I was an idiot. Emmy laughed at the expression on my face, "I'll get you some ice cream, it helps with for hangovers and whatever your thinking about."

She came up later with a tub of chocolate ice cream for me and strawberry for herself, "don't be too surprised you don't know that much about her, you've only just gotten to know her better. Caroline can be a private person, I know it doesn't seem like it when she's surrounded by all of her friends and having a good time but before you were close  can't imagine she told you a singel thing about her." 

I hadn't really thought about that, "yeah but I didn't tell her anything either." 

"First of all you're pretty loud, she might have heard you anyways, and second of all she was probably looking and you weren't. I can see her sometimes when she shuts down for a couple minutes and just takes in everything around her watching the people in the room. You don't do that." Emmy continued. 

Still it didn't feel right.


I had never been more refreshed then when I got back from New York i loved going there and seeing all of my friends and getting up to our usual antiques. James of course was downside but I'd learnt to handle him. 

I sat on my bed Alfie lying next to me his head resting on my lap, my phone rang and I reached over to pick it up, "who is it?" 

"Cee? It's Will and Parker, we're having dinner tonight and we want you to come." Will told me. 

"Where are we going?" I asked getting up. 

"Your house, we have take out food, ungodly masses of popcorn and candy and three good movie DVDs to pick from." He told me. 

"Dinner at my own house and I'm only finding out now?" I asked amused.

"What else a brothers for? Now come on put on your pyjamas and get ready to open the door because we'll be here in twenty minutes." Parker added. 

They really were like my brothers, and if ther ewas anyone I would want to show up at my house unannounced with take out and movies it was them. I grabbed my pik with white hearts pyjama shorts and an oversized Barbie T-shirt before going to look for my slippers. Now that we were back in California it was warm and I could finally wear all of my pink clothes again. 

When they rang the doorbell I ran down the stairs Alfie chasing behind me barking and wagging his tail. I pulled open the door to see them standing there with matching grins. "How fitting." Will  joked nodding at the T-shirt. "Although instead of Malibu barbie it should say san fernando."

"I really should call and get that amended." I replied, "what kind of food did you get." 

"Total junk food as usual, burgers, fries, milkshakes. The works." Parker answered, "we made sure to get strawberry for you this time and not vanilla." 

I nodded satisfied, "good because the Vanilla tastes like ass."

We sat down around the dinign room table abfter grabbing plates and ketchup, "so how was New York?" 

"Well it depends, Cordy and I got stuck in a haunted house rollercoaster-." I started. 

"Unsurprising." They chimed in, "how did that happen?" 

"The roller coaster cart stopped in the middle of one of the desends for kind of a long time so we thought it was stuck and got out. Turns out it was only part of the ride and the cart left without us so were stranded in the pitch black." I explained, "and then I had a fun encounter with James, I'm starting to think there's something seriosly wrong with him since it's been almost a year since I ended things and he still hasn't quite clocked it. Maybe his parents should get him tested." 

"That's putting it lightly," Parker muttered, "they should have that idot admitted so that no toerh girl has to go through the horror of dating him. Do you remember how we literally had to drag out out of his grip so that you could go out with us?"

I made a face, "ew, those memories make me embarassed I even looked his way." 

"And how are things with Benny going?" Will asked smirking. 

"I honestly have no idea, if he knows I like him he's doing apretty good job of hiding it. Although I'm more inclined to go with the completely oblivious route." I explained, "he was surprisingly nice to me, but I did invite him to see a yankees game and tell him to act friendly in front of my father so... it could be that too." 

I was starting to think this was completley hopeless. 

They shared a laugh at my facial expression, "before you spiral why don't we change topics to something more fun, like the insane girl that Parker went on a date with." 

He rolled his eyes, "she was really hot, I just didn't know that that level of hotness was also equal to a level of craziness like I've never seen before." 

Now this would definitely cheer me up.

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt