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I went to get a broom to sweep up the broken glass but Ashlyn held up her hand, "no, that can wait. We are talking about what you said right now. This is bigger than milkshakes and brownies, this is left over birthday cake level insane." 

I grabbed two plates and forks and Ashlyn took the left over birthday cake from her little sister's birthday before we sat down on the stools at their kitchen island, "explain." 

I made a face, "I don't know how it happened Ash, I really don't. I mean I still think he's a total ass and an idiot for that matter but I can't get him out of my head. Ever since spring break he's been a constant presence."

She frowned cutting us two massive pieces of cake, "what the hell happened on spring break? Or was it just the wasit grab, cause that was cute but you didn't seem to shaken by it." 

I shook my head, "it wasn't that, it was when we put the things for the baseball away in the basement, and this like really intense five second moment happened and it's been stuck in my head ever since." I dug into the cake shoving it in my mouth anxiously, this had to go away. 

Ashly frowned, "a moment?" 

I nodded, "yeah, it was so strange."

"Show me what happned, act it out with me, I'll be you and you be Benny." She said as we got up. I stepped close to her so we were basically inches apart before pushing up on my toes so that I was taller than her, I put her hand on my upper arm where I had had mine before looking down at her. 

She shot me a shocked look, "holy shit. And you must have been soaking plus the storm for the atmosphere, it must have been electric. Plus I bet he has great biceps from all the baseball."

I groaned taking another massive chunk of cake onto my fork, "don't even remind me. It's all I've been able to think about for the last couple weeks." 

"You are in deep Caroline." She told me shaking her head amused. 

"Make it go away Ash." I complained lightly banging my head against the table. She laughed at the comment, "aww Che, come on I'm sure it's not that bad."

"We're talking about the same guy who's been callingme princess and malibu barbie for the last years to antagonize me, who coincidentally has never spoken more than five nice words to me in a row. Every time we see each other the last thing we say is part of an argument and I don't know if I've mentioned this enough times I hate him."

She snickered, "clearly you can't hate him that much if you've got a big fat crush on him." 

I kicked her across the tab;e shooting her a withering look, she rolled her eyes, "okay, okay you're right it's bad."

This could not have been happening to me, what the hell had I done to deserve this, i already had stupid Katherine and Miss Grayson breathing down my back I really didn't need this two, "if he finds out about this I will never hear the end of this."

"Then we'll just have to make sure he doesn't, just act normal and he'll never know." She reassured. 

"What if I forget how?" I asked horrified, "what if he figures it out!?"

Ashlyn snorted, "Cee relax, okay, I'm pretty sure it's impossible to forget how to be yourself. Just shove it down and it'll go away. You hate him right? So he'll probably provoke it out of you." 

I nodded trying to convince myself, "you're right Ash, you're right. He's a stupid ass, I'll be over this in no time. 

"That's the spirit." Ahe enthused, "come on lets go watch some TV, Emmy will be back from New York in half an hour and she'll want to hear all about this." 

I cringed at the thought of rehashing this again, "at least she'll finally be back, I swear she's been in New York for ages."

When she finally did a rrive she was in ahorrible mood, something about her mother and custody and the divorce lawyers. I shared a look with Ash before turning to her, "I have something that will cheer you up, or distract you to say the very least."

She turned to face up her eyes narrowed expectantly. I sighed, "try not to take too much joy in my misery. But I recently discovered that-." 

Ashlyn interrupted a gleeful grin on her face, "Caroline has a crush on Benny!"

Emmy's mouth dropped open, "you're joking!" 

I shook my head, "I wish I was. But your stupid cousin has weasled himself in like he didn't onto spring break."

Emmy grinned taking her seat next to us, "you were so right this has made my day. How the hell did it happen?" 

I scowled, "if only I knew." 

"Cee tell her about the moment." Ashlyn prompted. 

Em turned to me eyes wide, "what moment?" she exclaimed. 

Ashlyn pulled Emmy to her feet, "here I'll show you."

"Stop it! That's hot." Em exclaimed, "I would have folded right there and then, had it not been my couisn of course I'm not a freak. But any other guy and I would be gone, you're a stronger girl than I am Caroline."

"Thank god. I couldn't think of anything worse than openly admitting to his face. You know Benny, he would gloat for days." I muttered. 

She nodded, "oh yeah he would. You should pray he doesn't find out because you will never ever live this down in his eyes." 

I grimaced, "his ego would sky rocket, and it's already pretty big, it doesn't need any help from me. It would make him even more insufferable than he already was." 

"Exited for school tomorrow?" Ash teased. 

I snorted, "exited for what? To get violently humbled for no reason by Miss Grayson? Yeah I can't wait."

"What was that thing you go detention for last time?" Emmy asked laughing, "your attitude?" 

I snickered, "as if. No that would be to normal. It was for disruptive vanity, apparently I was distracting my classmates by putting or chapstick or whatever. I honestly have no idea."

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang