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Ahslyn and Emmy stared at me dumbfounded, "you stupid, stupid moron." Ashlyn started in disbelief. 

Emmy shook her head at me, "is your head just for decoration or something? Did your brain malfunction yesterday?"

"What are you talking about?!" I asked impatiently, I was just as confused as when Caroline had stored off yesterday. 

"You are the guy she likes dumbass! She was trying to ask for advice on how to get you to like her back!" Emmy snapped running her hair through her hair stressed, "how is it possible for anyone to be so totally OBLIVIOUS!" 

"You're joking right?" I asked astounded. 

Ashly shot me an incredulous look, "why would she be joking?! Caroline likes you, how hard is that to understand? Do you need to hear it in spanish or something?" 

I rolled my eyes, "I get it, it just seems a little unplausible." 

"What is unplausible is how you've even made it this far with her." Emmy replied watching me a look of frustration and shock on her face, "what the hell are you still doing here? Go talk to her!"

What the hell was I still doing here? I started sprinting towards the door shoving open and running down the road. "YOU FORGOT YOUR SHOES!" Emmy shouted after me. But at this point I didn't care. 

I arrvied at her house about twenty minutes later banging on the door breathlessly, she answered it a confused look on her face, "why do you look like you got chased here?" Caroline asked frowning. "And where are your shoes?"

"I'l explain later," I answered breathlessly, "can I come in?" 

She stepped aside a confused look on her face, "are you okay?"

I turned to see the suitcases waiting by the door, "where are you going?" 

"To Germany, to see my cousins because they couldn't make it to my party." Caroline replied closing the door, "we're leaving in a couple of minutes." 

I'd have to be quick then, "okay, okay, first of all I'm sorry I was such an idiot yesterday about that whole advice thing." 

She brushed it off, "oh it's no big deal. Don't stress." 

"Actually it kind of is, because I was being a dick and the I only reacted like that because I was jealous." I contined trying not to sound too out of breath. 

"You were?" Caroline asked surprised. 

"Yeah, like out of my mind jealous." I continued, "and I will kill Emmy if this is one of her pranks, but she seemed serious so here goes. I like you too Caroline, I really, really like you and I know I haven't exaclty done a particulalry good job of showing it. But I do, a lot. And yesterday, when you said the guys you like, doesn't think of you like that, he does." 

"Awfully bold of you to assume he's you." Caroline started but I could see her practically beaming. 

"I don't know, it seems pretty accurate if you ask me." I replied making her laugh. 

"I guess you're lucky you're right." She continued smiling at me. 

"I guess I am." I responded, I leant in to kiss her but Mr Baker walked into the room and we both drew back embarrassed by the interruption. 

He didn't seem to have realised and nodded a greeting in my direction, "Caroline, get in the car please we have to now." 

She groaned, "but Daddy." Caroline jerked her head towards me. 

"And? He's here almost every day and he'll be here when you get back you chat about whatever it is you chat about another time, now get in the car or we'll mis our flight." Mr Baker continued not at all understanding what his daughter was trying to signal. 

"I'm so sorry but I am not having my first kiss with you, in front of my father. And he won't leave until I'm in the car." Caroline told in a low voice me shooting him a glare, "but I'll see you when I get back on Saturday, yeah?"

I nodded sighing, I didn't want to kiss her in front of Mr Baker either but still, come on. Now I had to wait a week until I did, it was just fucking annoying. "Yeah I guess I'll see you." I replied.

"Bye!" Caroline called as she ran off down to her car and her father grabbed their bags. 



That might have been the best thing to ever happen to me. The timing was beyond inconvenient, and my father was to distracted by his nervous flyer syndrome to notice so this was the way it was going to have to be. "What are you smiling about?" Rosita asked me a knowing grin on her face. 

I shrugged offhandedly, even though I knew she knew, "nothing in particular." 

"Of course." 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα