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"Ash I really don't know why your laughing!" I was not at all amused by this idiot. She had come over about an hour after Benny left.
"You have to admit it's funny." She told me making glare at her.

Emmy walked in a moment later shooting me a confused look, "what's wrong with her?"
"Your cousin told her she has the personality of a bridge troll." Ashlyn replied fighting back laughter.

Emmy burst out laughing, "sorry."
"Thanks by the way for your stellar advice with Benny's type he seemed really into it." I seethed at her.

"I take it it didn't go well then?" She continued biting back a grin.
"We'll considering he demanded I change and told me he would never kiss me plus the bridge troll thing, I wouldn't say it did." I responded sourly.

"You are really not good at this are you?" Emmy asked as she came to sit down with me.
I scoffed, "I'll have you know I'm fantastic! It's your idiot cousin who's the problem."

She and Ashlyn shared amused looks as I continued my rant, "this is honestly so unfair, I'm out here suffering and he's blissfully unaware and happy."

"Is it really that bad?" Ashlyn asked.

"First of all yes. And second of all we all know that if he finds out I will never hear the end of it, I won't be able to live this down until I'm on my deathbed." I answered, "so excuse me if I'd like to avoid living the next years of my life without being completely humiliated."

"Here's something new to consider, Benny managed to get you to like him by just being his every day self right? So why can't you do the same?" She pointed out, "clearly when you change yourself to fit him better he gets freaked out, you would to if he did it to you... so you just have to be yourself but even more than usual. If that makes sense."

In a weird way it kind of did. I nodded, "okay, okay that's not bad actually, that could work."

"I agree. The only times you've caught him staring is when you were being yourself," Emmy added, "also if you catch him staring make sure he knows that that's what he just did. Because if he realises it more and more he'll have to think about the reason why it's happening and then he'll have to admit to himself that you are crazy hot. Which means your halfway there!"

I nodded, "that is so smart oh my gosh! Okay, you know what? This weekend I'll throw a little pool get together and I'll begrudginly invite him, that part will be real because don't really want to see him but I digress. And then he'll have plenty of time to marvel because if there's one thing I know how to do it's make a bikini look really good. I even have the perfect one." 

I walked over to my cupboard and rummaged in the bikini drawer until I found the ones I was looking for, "I have it in two colours, hot pink and dark electric blue." I told them holding it up, "but I have to say I'm leaning towards the blue because it does wonders for my eyes."

Emmy and Ash nodded, "definitely the blue, it makes you look glowy. Omg we should pick out an outfit for you to wear tomorrow, something that will make heads turn, not that that doesn't already happen." 

Time skip to school: 

Ash and Em had helped me pick out the perfect outfit, a red skirt, red heels, a pink and white, pinstripe, cropped, longsleeved shirt and a cropped red cardigan with a pink star in the back. I inspected myself in the mirror. This was perfect. 

I picked my friends up on the way so that we could all go to our lesson together, "you look jaw dropping." Emmy told me grinning as we walked into school. I grabbed my books before we walked into our classroom. I could already see Benny preparing his news quip, "hey there prin-" he stopped for a second when he actually saw me before shaking it off and continuing, "princess. Sleep well thinking about how I'm right?" 

I scowled, "in your dreams bridge troll." 

I could hear Kenny choke on his water as I sat down and Benny shoot him a whithering look, Miss Grayson marched into the classroom stiff as usual and I could already thell from the way she was pushing her ugly spectacles up her nose that she was going to give me hell today. "Brace yourself." Ash muttered picking up on it a second later. 

As predicted she turned to me that awful, pretentious look on her face, "Miss Baker you are away that this is not the run way of one of your little fashion magazines. This is a school please dress as such, there are some clothes in the lost and found that I'm sure would do just fine. And before you ask, no it is not possible to be allergic to non-designer clothes." 

Your entire wardrobe is a fucking lost and found box you hideous box goblin, I thought sourly, but even though I would have loved to say that to her I knew that it would get me no where but after school detention every day for the next semester and I was not about to subject myself to that. "We don't have adress code Miss Grayson, I can where whatever I want." It's not my fault you wouldn't know fashion if it crawled up your ugly trouders and bit you on your flabby ass, I added in my head. 

"That is because we expect you to have the sense to dress accordingly." She snapped, "you are being very distracting."

I crossed my arms, "I didn't know that you were a lesbian Miss Grayson, although I don't see how you finding my bare stomach is at all appropriate." I wanted to rip her hair out. 

She glowered at me, "remember that you are talking to a respected adult you little brat. And I was not reffering to myself, I was reffering to your male classmates." 

I made a face, "and that's my problem how? If they can't stop staring that seems an awful lot like their issue rather than mine wouldn't you agree?" 

"You are being provokative." Miss Grayson ground out. 

"I am being a girl with good taste. If that distracts my male classmates then maybe you should have a talk with them about keeping their eyes to themselves." I shot back. I was not about to takw any bullshot from that woman. 

She whirled around and grabbed the stack of test papers before starting to hand them out, when she finally reached me she said, "anything less than an A and you'll be in detention for the rest of the school year."

I nodded forcing a bittersweet smile, I would show her. Benny and I might have done a lot of arguing yesterday but we had gotten a lot of work done before that happened I was exceptionally well prepared for this quiz. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now