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I woke up the morning after the party completely hungover, I was hanging half off the bed and apparently I had only managed to take off the trousers of my suit before passing out cold on my bed. Kenny was lying on the floor by my window in nothing but his boxers and Emmy lay sprawled across the top of my bed her feet and head lying horizontaly in line with my headboard. 

My head was pouding, I felt more nauseous than I ever had in my entire life and I could barely see straight. Emmy looked up her hair sticking to her face, she squinted as the sun blinded her, "what the fuck happened? I do not remember leaving the party drunk enough to feel like this." 

I frowned, "same. I remember everything that happened there as well." 

We both turned to Kenny who was still basically unconcious, Em got up holding her arms out to steady herself as she almost fell to the ground. "Headrush." She mumbled to me walking closer. 

She looked down all of a sudden before turning back to face me, "I know what happened." Emmy reached to the floor to show us two bottles of Vodka, one was empty the other was a little under half full. 

Now it was starting to come back to me, "didn't Kenny say something about how the three of us should have an after party?" 

Emmy, who had just vomited in a bucket, glared at his sleeping body, "I'm going to kill him." 

"Me first." I ground out as we stumbled towards him tripping over ourselves, I grabbed him to shake him awake. "Get up asshole." 

He smacked my hands away, "leave me alone you dick." 

Emmy shoved me out of the way before she hit him on the shoulder, "why the hell would you suggest we get wasted after the party last night?" 

He turned around to face her his eyes barely open, "Alec shoved the bottles in my hand because he didn't need them anymore or whatever and I was drunk so i thought it would be fun to get drunker. Obviously in hindsight it didn't seem as bad as an idea." 

He sat up holding his head a frown forming on his face, "where the hell are the rest of my clothes?" 

Emmy and I looked out of the open window to see it all on the lawn his clothes and my trousers and- "is that my bra?" Emmy asked confused, "what is it doing down there?"

"We better go and clean that up before my mother sees it." I started.

"Ohmygosh, Aunt Nathalie will have a fit." Emmy agreed as we rushed ot of my room and down the stairs to get there. 

Lola shot us amused looks, "you look awful." she told us laughing, "what the hell did you do last night?"

The three of us shared exausthed looks, "we'll tell you later." 

"Where's mom?" I asked her quickly.

"She's still in bed, she had a long night last night, Dad came back early from his post in Cuba and they went out together." Lola told me, "oh yeah, Dad's back."

My father was doing some kind of goverment army work to do with the Anti-Castro Guerilla I had no idea what it was because he wasn't allowed to talk about it, but my mother had been more and more worried recently so it was good to have him back. 

We walked outside and grabbed our things before going back up to my room to change. It was always the same outfit for us when we were hungover. Jeans, T-shirt, hoodie and sunglasses. Or if it was warmer, we would wear shorts. 

We sat down around the kitchen table eating our cheerios when my parents finally walked downstairs. I got up to go and greet my Dad, he laughed loudlywhen he saw me, "that's a hangover if I ever saw one." 

Emmy groaned, "turn down the volume, it's hurting my brain." She got up going to say hello, "bienvenido Tío." 

"Hola Emilia, como estas." He greeted her pulling her in next to me. 

"Mal." Emmy answered shaking her head, "muy mal."

Kenny was the last to say hello, but he was also in the worst state of all of us so he had to drag himself to meet my father. "Hi Mr Rodriguez. Nice to see you again." 

He nodded still laughing, "nice to see you too Kenny, I'm glad to hear your still hanging around." 

"Your mother and I are going to go out for breakfast, and the after that i want to hear all about this baseball scholarship thing your doing." He told me clapping me on the shoulder.

I nodded, "sounds like a plan Dad." I replied going to sit back down again. 

As they stopped outside the door I heard my father pause, "and who might you be?" 

"I'm Caroline Baker sir." she explained, "I'm a friend of your niece's." 

"Oh, I see, I've heard a lot about you." He told her amused. 

There was a short silence and I banged my head lightly against the table, where the hell was this going. "All good things I hope?" Caroline asked sweetly. 

"Of course." My father lied, the only thing I had told him about Caroline was how much she annoyed me. My mother had probably said a few good things.

Caroline snorted, "well that is just bullshit. Your son hates me." 

My father started laughing again, "that's too bad, you seem like funny young lady." 

"Thank you," with that she appeared in our doorway a grin on her face when she saw the awful state we were in. "Well don't you look like shit."

"Very funny Caroline." Emmy muttered annoyed, "what do you want?" 

"I was going to pick my dress up, but then I found this in a bush on your lawn." She handed something to Emmy discreetly. My cousin shot Emily an amused look, "I was wondering where those had gone. Can I come over later, so we can chill by the pool. It's so warm today." 

She nodded, "of course, come by whenever. Will, Parker, Ash, Lil and Alec all want to come over to swim off their hangovers too. It'll be fun. I'll grab my dress and see you at mine later." She made a thoughtful face before turning to Kenny and I, "if you want to come your welcome to it, and you too of course Lola." 

My sister grinned at her "I'll be there." 

I did not like that they were getting close one bit, my sister was a total blabbermouth, she would tell Caroline things I didn't need her knowing. 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt