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Emmy had finally gotten around to asking Benny what his type was, which unfortunately was the opposite of me. So for this weeks tutoring session I had decided to change things up a bit. He liked baseball girls; sporty, liked the game, didn't mind getting dirty and relaxed over all. At least he had a thing for blondes or I would have been totally screwed over. 

So I had to dig out a pair of my dusitest jeans and an old Yankees T-shirt from the cupboard of my mothers clothes. She even had a pair of muddy PF flyers that were roughly my size. I tied my hair back in a ponytail satisfied as I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, he was here for our next tutoring session. 

I grinned to myself sitting down in my chair waiting for him to walk in, this time I had him for sure. I had no idea how wrong I was. Benny dropped his things in surprise when he walked into my room a scowl on his face, "I am not doing this with you again Caroline, go and change." 

"Excuse me?" I spluttered completely taken aback. Wasn't he supposed to like this?

"Don't think I haven't noticed how fucking weird you've been lately. First acting possesed now this." He stopped for a moment before his eyes widned, "oh my god. Emmy put you up to this didn't she? That's why she asked me about my type that little traitor." 

I shrugged, "I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's just get on with the work okay?" 

He shook his head, "no. Not until you go back to normal." Benny walked over to my cupboard pulling open before he threw out a blue skirt, a green top and some black heels. "Put that on." 

I wanted to say those didn't match one bit, ant it was hideous combination, but he liked relaxed girls and if I was sitting here wearing these dusty rags then I could manage to wear that crime of an outfit as well. "Okay weirdo." I replied grabbing the clothes and walking into my bathroom to put them on. 

Pull yourself together Caroline, I thought to myself as I reluctantly pulled on the clothes, this will all be worth it when he's in the same hell you are. "Better?" I asked sourly as I walked back into the room. 

Benny shook his head, "no. No, that still doesn't look right at all. There's not enough pink, plus those colours look horrible together I have no idea what I'm doing." 

I rolled my eyes as he threw another outfit at me and told me to put it on, this was ridiculous. You would think I'd been sitting there naked or in my haloween costume. By the time I was on my fifth outfit which was still not right I couldn't take amymore. Especially when he suggested I wear the pink evening dress I'd worn to the baseball meet and greet thing because that was the only thing that he knew for sure made me look for myself. 

"You must be insane. I've put up with this freakshow long enough but now that is coming to an end, I will find something to wear while you fold the clothes that hurled at my head earlier." I snapped yanking my dress out of his hand and putting it back where it belonged. I grabbed a pink and white sundress with bell sleeves and some white espadrilles before going into my bathroom to change. 

I shot Benny a whithering glare as I stormed back out, "how is this you insane nutjob?" 

He grinned nodding in approval, "now your definitely back to normal." 

I could have wrung his neck out for that. I grabbed the clothes he's folded and put them back in my cuboard before sitting down in my chair, "I can't believe I'm saying this but for the love of god let's study or I will fail tomorrow's quiz."


I had gotten the shock of my life when I'd seen Caroline sitting there in her 'baseball clothes'. A girl who had once asked me to kill her if she ever wore a pair of shoes as ugly as my trainers. And then that whole drama with the clothes when we both knew it would have been better if she had picked out the first outfit herself and saved me the trouble. 

Apparently I had annoyed her back to normal because when she was standing there in her pink dress with, a furious look on her face calling me an "insane nutjob" she had looked more like Caroline than she had in a while.

I knew lying to Emmy would have been useful when she asked me what my type was, she always did stupid stuff like this so it was always better to give her a tweaked version of the truth. Maybe she was the reason Caroline kept changing her mojo, that was the sort of thing Emmy would do to wind me up or 'test out her theories'. Caroline might have been annoying as herself but at least she was being herself, all of this different personalities new syle crap was even more annoying than she was. She got on my nerves well enough just as she was, I didn't need it any other way. 

I blinked startling as she snapped her fingers in my face, "stop looking at me like that." 

I rolled my eyes, "stop looking at you like what?" 

She gestured to my face, "like that. It's weird." 

So typical. "My apologies princess," I replied scowling, "I didn't know that dozing off in your direction was illegal." 

"That is not what you were doing and you know it." Caroline snapped crossing her arms. 

"No I don't so please enlighten me oh holy one, how was I looking at you." I snapped frustrated. 

She looked a little embarassed before ulimately steeling herself and turning back to meet my eyes, "you looked at me like you were about to kiss me or something. And it was creepy, so don't do it again."

"That is such bullshit." I muttered shaking my head, "like I would ever kiss you."

She stamped on my foot, "you should be so lucky asshole. I am a delight to kiss, and probably the prettiest girl you would have ever kissed since I imagine the only thing that would want to make out with you is a bridge troll."

"Well you fit right into that catagory so don't be too surprised." I retorted glaring at her. 

"As if anyone would ever mistake me for a bridge troll, as you so rightly put it I am a princess." Caroline snapped outraged. "You on the other hand, that's an easy one to make." 

I had never expected that nickname to come back and bite me in the ass, "well maybe you don't looke like a bridge troll, but you definitely have it's personality." 

She shot me a look that could only be described as murderous, "says the person with the emotional intelligance of a fucking FINGERNAIL. I can't belive you're telling me I have bad personality when yours only has one setting, baseball nerd with no other hobbies." 

I scoffed, "I'm leaving now, call me when you're realise that I'm right." 

"Don't hold your breath." Caroline snapped angrily, "although maybe you should. Then I'll finally get some peace and quiet!" 

"I'm glad you feel that way because the feeling is MUTUAL!" I shouted putting my stuff back in my bag. 

She huffed "I'm glad your glad." 

"Good." I replied slinging my backpack over my shoulder, 

"Good." She responded getting up and opening her bedroom door. 

"Fine." I shot back walking out. 

She slammed the door in my face as I turned around to insult her one last time, "FINE!"

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now