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It was the third day now and we had all setteled into it a bit more, I had to admit I was having a lot more fun than I had expected to here. Caroline, who had a boat license I hadn't known about had taken us out on the massive lake on their little sailboat. 

I had no fucking clue how to sail, but it looked a lot harder than I thought it did. Luckily Ash knew how to sail too and so did Will and Parker so she wasn't on her own, because Emmy and I defintiely had no idea how to do it and I was sure Kenny didn't either.

"Not bad for a princess huh?" Carloine asked, surprisingly cheerful as she sat down next to me and Ash overtook steering the boat.

I snorted, "I almost forgot about that nickname, but I will admit I'm impressed."

She rolled her eyes amused, "how gracious of you. But you're right, you should be impressed because it took blood, sweat and a lot of yelling to get me here. I never want to hear the phrase 'Bakers are not quitters' ever again."

"I'm usually the one saying it, to my friends when they're complaining about it being too hot to play baseball." I admitted grinning. 

"You're poor friends. Those words send me into a rage spiral everytime I hear them." Caroline responded amused. 

"They're not exactly the biggest fans of the term either." I told her shaking me head, "big babies the lot of them." 

She snorted, "it doesn't exactly help that their captain can be a drill sergeant."

"I'm not their captain. They're there willingly." I replied scowling making her laugh. 

"Then why aren't they allowed to leave when it get's hot, Kenny told Ash all about your iron fist." Caroline teased pulling her hair up into a ponytail. "Did you bring swimming trunks? Because the water is in perfect condition." 

I nodded, "you all but reminded me fifty million times. Benny, Benny, Benny, Benny." I mocked her. 

She shoved me grimacing, "just consider yourself lucky I'm not giving you shit for being here." 

"Thanks for that. I swear I had no idea." I replied sheepishly. 

Caroline shrugged it off, "it's fine, he tricked us both. Asshole." She pulled off her sweatshirt and I averted my eyes making her snort. "Would you relax? Haven't you ever seen a girl bikini before?" Caroline asked amused. 

I scowled at her, "of course I have, I was just being polite. But next time I'll make sure to stare extra long." 

I looked her over before turning my gaze back to the lake, that bikini suited her far to well. It was hot pink as almost her whole wardrobe was and there were golden squares where the straps met the triangle. 

"Not that bad a sight huh?" She asked sauntering over to where Ashlyn was standing. 

She wasn't wrong about that, but I knew Caroline well, and even though she was gorgeous she could be incredibly insuffrable at her best.  The boat stopped a couple minutes later and everyone started getting ready to swim. 

"Who would have thought?" Emmy asked grinning as we walked towards the railing. "The two of us spending our spring break on a boat?" 

"Not me I can tell you that." I answered pulling off my shirt. 

She grinned poking me in the stomach, "my dad would be rolling in his grave right now if he saw me here. He always said only snobs did stuff like this. But I honestly couldn't care less, this is way more fun than he made it out to be." 

They all leapt into the water and I could hear shrieking as they hit the water because it was really cold, I could feel someone shove me into the lake over the railing. I hit the water surprised by the cold temperature before resurfacing a withering look on my face. Caroline smirked at me from the boat, "have a nice swim?" 

She jumped in next to me and I waited until she had resurfaced to push her down, dunking her under. Caroline hacked up water as she broke through the top of the lake, "stupid idiot. You could have at least let me breathe first." But I could see a ghost of a grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes, "drama queen. Or should I say princess?" 

"You are never going to let me live that down are you?" She asked half amused half frustrated. 

I shrugged, "you'll have to wait and see won't you?"

We spent the whole day on the boat and in the lake. It was definitely the easiest and funnest way for Caroline to avoid her father and Katherine, who I realised wasn't the lovely person Mr Baker had described her to me as. 


I lay back on the sun-matrass at the front of the boat the sun glaring down on me just how I liked it, "you're certainly in a better mood today Cee." Parker remarked as he and Will lay down on either side of me. 

I shrugged, "today is a far less shitty day than yesterday. Plus Rodriguex being here isn't as bad as I thought it would be, he's still a pain of course but at least he knows how to have fun and how to take a joke. Which unfortunately is getting rarer and rarer now a days." 

"Who would have thought?" Will asked grinning, "Caroline Bakter giving Benny Rodriguez a compliment? It's a mircale." 

I whacked him on the shoulder, "lets not go to far." 

"My bad your royal highness." He teased. 

I groaned at the comment, "not you too." 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now