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I sat at the table glaring daggers over at Benny over the table, I coldn't belive he had weasled himself and Kenny on this trip. This was my trip, I went every year with my Dad, and my friends. Even when he started bringing Katherine it was tolerable because I had Ash, Will and Parker. I had asked to bring Emmy too this year and my father had said "sure!" a little too quickly. I should have known by then. 

Next thing I know I'm sitting on the plane and Benny and Kenny are strapped in the seats behind mine. I wanted to wring my father's neck out. "Caroline, bitte schau bisschen freundlicher!" My father hissed at me across the table. (Caroline, please look a little friendlier)

"Wieso hast du ihn eingeladen? Du weist genau das ich ihn nicht hier will!" I snapped back (Why did you invite him? You know that I don't want him here!). "Deine scheiß freundin war schon mehr als genug, jezt musst du auch noch dien lieblings kind und seinen besten freund einladen? Auf meine lieblings ferien des Jahres!" (Your shitty girlfriend was already more than enough, now you have to invite your favourite son and his best friend? To my favourite holiday of the year?) 

I could see him shaking with rage, everyone else at the dinner table had gone completely silent. I would have been embarassed of the massive scene I was making but I was to angry to care right now. "Caroline and I need to step outside for a moment, please don't mind us." My father said politely before shooting me a look that said if I didn't get out of my chair this instance he would drag me.

We shut the door of the cabin behind us, as soon as he heard the clikc my father started shouting. "YOU DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT MY GIRLFIREND LIKE THAT!" He shouted, "and if you do not pull yourself together I will cancel this trip and send you home right now!" 

"ONE TRIP!" I shouted back, "One stupid trip and you couldn't let me have it? If you want him to be your son so badly why don't you just adopt him? You already love him more than your own daughter, that's step one isn't it?!" 

My father sighed, "Caroline, I don't love him more than you." 

I scoffed, "well you sure have a funny way of showing it Daddy."

With that I walked up into the house gathering my friends, and reluctantly Benny and Kenny too. It wasn't really their fault, they hadn't know about how important this holiday was to me. They'd probably even thought I'd been clued in. Plus it was my father that I was mad at not them. 

Every year since I was born we went up to this Cabin in the forest by the lake and a little town about twenty minutes down the road. It had been my mother's favourite place and now it was mine. When she'd died it hadn't been the same but at least my friends had been there to fill the hole a little. 

But this was my nightmare trip. My father and I hadn't been on good terms for months now and Katherine was winding him up against me every chance she got. Emily shot me a sympathetic look, "please be nice to him. Benny really had no idea that you didn't know or how important the trip was to you. You know he wouldn't have come then." 

I sighed, "of course I know that. I was just so angry with my father for doing this that I took it out a little on him but I won't anymore." 

She nodded, "thanks." 

I opened my bedroom door letting us all in before locking it behind us, I was in no mood to talk to either Katherine or my father. "So, those of you who haven't been here let me explain what we usually do at the cabin." I started flopping back on my bed, "my father is usually too wrapped up with Katherine to notice us so we can do whatever the fuck we want, and my cousins, who were up here a couple of weeks ago left us a shit ton of alcohol in the freezer downstairs for those who want it." 

Pool Hunny // Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now