Part 6

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Chapter 6:

Rose followed me obediently. I led her towards the boundaries of the campus and into the surrounding woods. The Academy owned a lot of land, and not all of it had been used for educational purposes. We were in a remote part of Montana, and at times, it seemed as though the school was just barely holding back the wilderness.

WE walked quietly for a while, our feet crunching through the thick, unbroken snow. A few birds flitted by, singing their greetings to the rising sun. And at times like this, where the wilderness was all you could hear, was the best thing in the world. And I found myself relaxing as I led her further into the woods. Rose's crunching feet staggering was the only sound, other than nature, and her irregular stride told me that she was trying hard to keep up with my more normal and longer one.

Ahead was the old watch-post, its small dark shape came into view as we approached it. It was more of an old cabin, made out of logs. Yet overtime the logs had became worn and rotten in some places. The roof sagged a little.

"What is that?" Rose asked.

"Old watch-post." I said. "Guardians used to live ont eh edge of campus and keep watch for Strigoi."

"Why don't they anymore?"

"We don't have enough guardians to staff it. Besides, Moroi have warded campus with enough protective magic that most don't think its necessary to have actual people on guard." Provided no humans staked the wards.

I was about to turn her away from the sad looming building when I heard voices on the opposite side of the building.

Curious Rose and I rounded the corner of the building, coming up on a surprising scene. A small frozen pond lay there, and Christian and Lissa were ice skating on it. A woman that looked oddly familiar was with them, her back to us.

As the woman skated a wave of jet black hair followed her, and it was then that I realized that it was Tasha Ozera, as she skated to a graceful stop. Her hair arced around her.

I couldn't recall the last time I had seen Tasha, it had felt like ages. And seeing her now brought back good memories. And I tried my best to hide a smile that was curving at my lips.

Lissa grinned when she saw Rose standing next to me. "Rose!" Christian glanced over at Rose as she spoke, not too happy to see us. As if we ruined some romantic get away.

Lissa moved in awkward strides to the pond's edge. She obviously wasn't so adept at skating.

I could see Rose's body stiffen at my side. Her voice full of jealousy when she spoke. "Thanks for inviting me to the party."

"I figured you were busy." Lissa said. "And this is secret anyway. We aren't supposed to be here."

Christian skated up beside her, with Tasha in tow. "You brining party crashers, Dimka?" She asked looking at me for the first time.

Her eyes, that resembled Christians so much, as well as her hair, were the only things that made her and Christian distinguishable. And the purple scar on the left side of her face was exactly as I remembered it, purple and raised; and looked as if someone had bitten into it and ripped off her flesh. Which was exactly what happened.

I laughed at her old Russian nickname for me. Which only brought back wonderful, sweet, memories. "It's impossible to keep Rose away from places she shouldn't be. She always finds them eventually."

Tasha grinned and turned around, flipping her long hair over one shoulder. I could see Rose stiffen as she took in Tasha's scar. And I hoped that Tasha didn't notice Rose staring at her. I silently wished Rose would find respect and not stare. But Rose was Rose and there was no changing that.

Dimitri's Point of View in Frostbite (Vampire Academy) (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now