Chapter 7

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MY HEAD IS EXTREMELY ACHING. I felt the excruciating pain inside my head when I woke up earlier.

I was drunk last night, according to Zoey. Mom was upset, but I insisted on not drinking. That is to say, I did not consume any alcoholic beverages.

We fought for a while, but Zoey's expression changed when she heard something from my mother. Then mom was tending to me like a baby again.

Wow. Zoey's ability was incredible. I'm curious what she said to my mother to instantly change her mood.

Anyway, it's a good thing the "drinking" incident occurred on a Friday night because we don't have school today. But I still have to go to school because our coach, Miss Peyton, said we would have a quick meeting, and it couldn't wait.

As a result, I had to continue with my studies. Mom dropped me off and will pick me up after the meeting is completed.

Despite Mom's medication for the hangover, I am still dizzy, but it is manageable this time. I went straight to the cheering squad room and sat down next to the girls.

"Do you feel all right?"

"How's it going for you?"

These were the girls' inquiries. Even though I'm not actually okay, I just said okay.

They appeared concerned and questioned me further when Miss Peyton spoke up. Our cheer captain was by her side.

"First and foremost, I'd like to congratulate everyone on a job well done; congratulations, champions! Let's pat each other on the back and congratulate one another," the coach said. "All right, this is going to be a quick meeting because I know some of you are still hungover from last night's party."

The squad let out several 'oohs' Stella and Naomi were making fun of me, but Camila was unusually quiet and just stared at me.

"Now, as you all know, Piper is your senior, and starting next week, all senior students are required to concentrate on their academics and stop all extracurricular activities, including any club activities, so all senior cheering squad members will be graduating; on the team today." That's exactly how it works. It was heartbreaking, but the school only wanted the best for the students. Particularly the graduating students.

"So, we're here because we're going to announce the new captain of our team," Miss Peyton said, and Camila stiffened. Her eyes are filled with hope, and I can see it in them. "Would you please do the honor, Piper?"

"Thank you, Miss Peyton. I will certainly miss you all, but we all know that nothing is permanent in this world, and life must go on. Don't worry, if I have spare time, I will make sure to visit you around. But so much for that; I know you are all excited to meet your new squad captain. I am asking everyone to please respect your next captain as much as you have respected me. Don't forget about teamwork and camaraderie. Let's all welcome your new captain, Olivia Ruby Martin!"

I was utterly shocked. Are you kidding me? Why? What's the deal with me?

My teammates are applauding and congratulating me, but I... What exactly is going on here?

"Olivia, come here to the front," Piper motioned for Martin to approach her.

"Congratulations, Oli, and go!" Naomi exclaimed as she pushed Piper away.

"So, we all know Olivia here is a sophomore turning junior, and even though she's still in her sophomore year, I believe we can all agree that Oli has the potential to be a captain on the team, right?"

My teammates exclaimed, "Yes!"

I looked around at the girls, but only Naomi seemed genuine in her cheering and smiling at me. Damn. Even Camila is smiling, indicating that she is dissatisfied with the turn of events.

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