Chapter 13

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"DO YOU WANT TO COME TO MY PLACE ON FRIDAY NIGHT? Perhaps a sleepover?" Nova invited.

We walked down the hallway during our free period, which meant we had to go to our respective clubs. I don't want to join these clubs, but I need them for my portfolio as part of my college application preparation. In a nutshell, I don't have a choice. By the way, I am a member of the Academic Club. Where else will I be?

Anyway, the debate team was recruiting me, but I declined. Aside from the Academic Club, I am an Associate Editor for the student newspaper and have another club that I keep hidden from everyone. Yes, everyone. No one knows about it, and I have no intention of keeping it from them, but it just happened, and I'm not sure why I kept it a secret until now. At the moment, only one person at school is aware of it. But previously, two of them were aware of my secret club, and the other, who had already graduated, was the one who recruited me. Perhaps I'll inform the others after I graduate. Maybe.

"This weekend is completely booked for me. Miss Summer has asked us to review with the team this Friday night in preparation for the local inter-school quiz bee next month," I explained.

"But why late at night? Can you do it on the weekend or during club hours?" Nova enquired.

"The rest of the members have separate plans for the weekend. The only time we are all available is on Friday night. It was also critical that we meet before next week because we have a lot of material to prepare." I'd need to answer Nova's questions because she won't leave me alone until she gets the answer she requires. "Please accept my apologies, Con."

"That's fine. It's difficult to have a brilliant and talented friend. I understand, Zoey."

"By the way, when and where is the local inter-school quiz bee?" Aubrey enquired. Yes, she was accompanying us on our walk. I assumed she wasn't in the mood to talk because she was so quiet earlier.

"It will be held on the 22nd of next month at the Clover City National Library," I said.

"Alright. We will be rooting for you, Zoey."

"Thank you very much, Aubrey. You're going as well, right?" I asked Nova.

"Of course, I'll bring the club members to cheer on the Academic Team," Nova said, smiling.

"I'll invite the team as well," Aubrey added.

I was grinning from ear to ear. My friends have been extremely helpful. I am overjoyed.

"Thank you so much, ladies. I am extremely grateful, but even if the Judo Club and Music Club members do not attend, just seeing you two will be more than enough for me."

They were staring at me as if I had said something to embarrass them. Both cheeks are strawberry red.

"You are far too sweet. I want to eat you," Aubrey exclaimed as she leaped at me. Nova was tackling me as well. I laughed because Nova was tickling my side, and Aubrey was trying to kiss me on the cheeks. I was trying to flee with the two, but Aubrey gripped me so tightly.

Don't worry about her lice. The salon treatment was very effective. She also stated that she did not have any itchiness on her scalp. She was lice-free. As well as her sister.

But her sister is still in elementary school, and you know how hyper children can be, so Aubrey was expecting her sister's lice to return, but she said she would be more vigilant from now on. We also looked for home treatment, which aided Aubrey.

"I smell a threesome," someone said.

They're back. The Charmer resembles mushrooms that appear out of nowhere.

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