Chapter 11

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"CONGRATULATIONS, Vi!" I exclaimed as she walked into the house, holding a mini cake in my hand.

She was stunned for a moment, but she smiled broadly when she realized what I was doing.

"This is for me? Aww, you are so sweet," she said as she closed the door and hugged me.

Despite hanging out with Aubrey and Nova, I still went home first. Olivia was out with the charmer bullies earlier, and they said they were going to celebrate, so she's a little late.

My parents aren't here, but we don't have a curfew, so that's fine.

"Thank you; are you drunk?" I inquired as I smelled her breath. I don't drink alcohol, but I recognize the aroma.

"Nooo," she said as she drew my hands and walked towards the sofa.

She sat there, and I just did what she did. I placed the cake on the table first because she was clinging to me once more. She has a strong odor of alcohol.

I wasn't against Olivia being friends with the bully, but if this is what they teach her by being friends with them, I need to keep Olivia away from those girls.

"This is the second time you've gotten drunk, and those girls are such a bad influence," I tried to control my rage while saying those words.

"I'm not drunk. We just drank a little to celebrate my success. I'm the president of the SC, Zola. Are you not happy for me?" she asked. She was slurring some words, but I could still understand what she said because she was so close to me.

"I am overjoyed, Vi. More than anyone else, but you can celebrate without getting drunk. Anyway, you are no longer a child, and I know you already know whether or not things are good for you. Go to sleep now; I know you're tired." I conceded.

Olivia has a mind of her own. I can't tell her what she should or should not do. Olivia is a lady of sophistication. She even accepted responsibility for being a cheer captain and the student council president. So I completely trust her because Olivia knows what she is doing. The most important thing is that she arrived home safely.

I just hope that when she first got drunk does not happen again. Anyway, she's a grown-up now.

"No, stay here; I want to eat the cake you made for me."

She sat up straight and opened her mouth even when her eyes were closed as if she was waiting for me to feed her.

Argh. How does Olivia manage to look so adorable in this outfit?

I made the cake myself. Yes, I do bake on occasion. That's my pastime. I asked the on-call maid to teach me how to bake because I was always in the house with her. She gave me some pointers and was a good mentor. She returned to the province before I began high school.

Then Mom Victoria and Olivia arrived, and we realized we didn't need a maid because Olivia and I were trustworthy enough to be left alone in the house. We're already capable of looking after ourselves.

I had placed a spoon and a small plate on the table earlier, so I fed Olivia a spoonful of cake. Her eyes are wide open as she chews them. She was staring at me now, her eyes wide.

"Is it bad or sweet?" I inquired.

"It's so good!"

She snatched the spoon from my grasp and ate the cake as if she were a beggar. Her demeanor made me laugh. She was highly endearing.

She was feeding me with the same spoon as she was eating. Even though we've done it before, such as using the same utensils while eating or drinking, I can still feel that really excited feeling. I want to shut down my mind about the thought, but I adore this indirect kissing gesture!

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