Chapter 24

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"I CAN'T believe Camila will do this to us!" Stella said with so much anger in her voice. She sat on the bench but stood up and stomped her feet. She's really frustrated.

We are here on one of the benches in the tracking field after lunch. We are still stunned by the incident that Camila pulled just to defend her "friends," so we went there to chill.

"Stell, you are overreacting," Naomi commented. She looks relaxed while eating her ice cream. Gladly, it was not so sunny, and the sun's brightness didn't hurt that much.

"What? Are you not even going to say something about Camila's stupidity today? Do you not remember what she did? Huh?" Stella faced Naomi as if she was asking for a fight. Naomi seems not affected.

"What's wrong with what she did, Stell?" Naomi asked Stella nonchalantly.

I was just listening to them, but I looked at the field. Other students are chilling on the other side. Some of them are reading but most are chatting and fooling around.

"She's acting so friendly with that nerd again! Did you see how she made herself like a fool again because of that girl? Look what happened to her; she was sent to the principal's office defending that geek!" Stella exclaimed.

"Are you jealous, Stell?" Naomi asked a question that took back the other girl.

"No!" Stella defensively said. She sat on the bench again. "It's just that we have been through this. I don't want to see Camila suffering again because of that nerd," Stella explained, sighing.

That got my attention. "Suffering? Why would Camila suffer when she's with Zoey?" I asked.

"Well, we have known each other since grade school, and we have been friends since middle school. But Camila's original besties were actually Zoey and Nova," Stella narrated.

"I heard about that," I stated. I heard it from Zoey. But of course, I can't tell them that. "Then what happened?"

"Camila and Zoey, even though they were best friends, were really head to head when it came to be the top in our class. But the nerd keeps beating Camila. Zoey was always the number one. Before, Camila was that smiley, friendly, kind of person. The three of them are inseparable, especially when she's with Zoey," Stella continued, "but little did Zoey know, Camila's parents don't like Zoey because she's making their daughter incompetent. So, whenever Camila did not reach the number one spot at the end of the school year, she was secretly beaten and bullied by her parents."

Zoey did tell me some of this information, but I think Stella knows more about what happened to Camila all these years.

"Camila's a big girl now, Stell. And I don't think her parents would have time to check on her activities. They are pretty much nowhere to be found," Naomi said; she's almost finished eating her ice cream. "And did you see how happy Camila is? Man, I thought I would never see that smile of hers again. But then I remember, I just see those smiles before when she was with them. Especially when she's with Zoey."

I was taken aback by what Naomi revealed. Come to think of it, Naomi was right. Camila was wearing this unfamiliar but pretty smile all day. So, that was because of Zoey. Hmm...

"But what if her parents will know that she is friends again with that girl? You know how much The Smith despises The Lewiss, particularly Zoey's crazy mom. If they know that Camila is friends with that crazy woman's daughter, I am sure that they will punish Camila and worse, they will cut her off!"

"That wouldn't happen. I promise," Camila appeared. When did she get near us?

Stella was surprised for a bit, but she crossed her arms and ignored Camila after a while.

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