Chapter 22

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EVEN AFTER THE CONFESSIONS LAST NIGHT, OLIVIA AND I'S RELATIONSHIP WERE STILL THE SAME. Actually, she was more clingy than ever when we were at home, but she's still the same high and mighty queen when we're at school.

I didn't really confirm or deny my preference with her, but I was content with the thought that she was okay with whatever preference I had. And I was so concerned about nothing that it was affecting our relationship, but then again, I was the one who was overthinking things. Olivia only sees me as her sister. Nothing more.

So, if I told her I liked her, would she still act like that? I'm not sure. But what matters now is that she accepts me, just like my Dad, for who I am. My father is aware that I am gay. I came out to him during my first year of high school, and he didn't mind. He accepts me for who I am.

I'm not sure if Mom Victoria would accept me. I should ask Olivia about it. Mom Victoria has the right to know the truth as well. Besides, as Olivia stated, we are family. And no matter what, families must support one another.

"Good morning, Zoey. Once again, congratulations," Aubrey said this and appeared on my right side. I was walking to school now.

"Oh, Aubrey. Good morning. Thank you. You've said it at least fifty times now," I smiled as I said this.

"Not fifty times, but a hundred," Nova said as she appeared on my left side. "Good morning, Zoey and Aubrey," she chirped.

"Good morning, Con. Why are you walking? What happened to your car? "Nova was the one who asked.

"I saw both of you walking, so I asked Kobe to drop me off," she explained.

"That's really sweet, Coney," Aubrey said as she approached Nova's side and pinched her cheeks.

"That hurts! Stop it, Aubrey!" Nova exclaimed and attempted to flee with Aubrey, but the latter was faster. Nova only pouted. I make fun of them.

"How about a race to our lockers?" Nova proposed.

"It's too early, Coney. I don't want to get hot this early. That will not go down well with my fans," Aubrey chimed in.

"Then don't join. Anyway, I was asking Zoey. Not you, loser," Nova stated.

"I am not a loser. I simply have a reputation to uphold. You know I have to look good all the time, Coney," Aubrey reasoned.

"Duh... Whatever." Nova rolled her eyes. "Come on, Zo. If you win, I will take you out to lunch," Nova continued.

We're still walking to school, and I can see the school's gate from where we are. Other students are walking past us.

"What's that? Lunch? You didn't say anything about a wager. I'm up for it, "Aubrey spoke up and began to warm up.

"You've just proven that you're a sucker for food, Aubrey," Nova said.

"It's food, and it's free. So how can I refuse?"

Aubrey is very superficial. Aside from music, food brings her joy. So I can't really agree with Olivia that Aubrey is a bad person. Aubrey may have been wrong before and bullied Olivia, but she has changed. And she's a charming person.

"How about you, Zo?" Nova inquired. I shrugged. "Come on, Zo. Our first period is P.E., so it doesn't matter if we get sweaty. Come on, Aubrey, we should get some exercise too."

"Yeah, right!" Aubrey is overjoyed. Oh, this girl. She's willing to go to any length for food.

"Okay. When does it start?" I inquired.

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