Chapter 27

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I WAS not with myself; even the paramedics came and took the lifeless Zoey to the ambulance. I was with her in the ambulance. Nova was with me as well. I held Zoey's hand, and Nova was patting my back slightly. The liquid coming from my eyes was not stopping.

The paramedic had given Zoey first aid the first time they got there, and when they said that Zoey was still alive, I was relieved. But she is still unconscious, so my anxiety grows again.

"Zo, please fight. You can do it. You are stronger than me, remember? S-so p-please," I felt that my words were choking me. I couldn't finish my words and started crying again.

"She'll be okay. Zoey will be okay," Nova said. Not a single tear will be seen in her eyes, but I know she's worried sick about Zoey, too. "Right? She's okay, right?" Nova clears her throat.

I held her hand while my other hand was holding Zoey's.

"She is fine for now. There were no major concussions aside from the one she got on her head," said the lady paramedic. "However, we can only do first aid. She still needs to be thoroughly checked," she added.

We just nodded. I was silently praying for Zoey's safety when I remembered our parents. They don't know what happened to Zoey yet.

I was about to call Mom when we heard Zoey moan.

"Zola," I immediately called her name and held her hand.

Nova came near, and the same as me, she was waiting for Zoey's answer.

Before we could answer her, we arrived at the hospital. Luckily, there was a nearby hospital at school.

The paramedics immediately and carefully lowered the stretcher from the vehicle. They immediately put her on the waiting gurney and doctors and moved inside the hospital.

"What do we have here?" I heard the doctor ask the paramedic while we were running with Zoey, heading to the emergency room on the gurney.

I heard the lady paramedic telling her medical condition to Zoey and what she did so far to ease Zoey's pain. But I was not concentrating on them because Zoey was conscious, and I heard her calling my name.

"Vi...Vi..." she said weakly. My eyes are damped again with tears.

"I am here, Zola. I am here. We are at the hospital now. Y-you'll be fine. B-be strong," I manage to say. I was holding her in one hand.

Zoey was mumbling something, but I could not hear it because they took her to the emergency room. I was left with Nova outside, and since my knees were too weak to stand, I sat in the waiting seat nearby. Nova did the same.

"I will call Uncle Zaldy..." I heard Nova say, but I was zoning out.

All I keep thinking is about Zoey and her condition. I was staring blankly at the floor. Nova did what she said when I did not react, as I could hear her talking to someone on the other line.

I keep thinking as well who did this to Zoey? I understand that she has been bullied a lot but not to the extent that they will hurt my step-sister physically. However, if I think of it, I don't know any bullies of Zoey other than The Charmer. But it's impossible; the girls are okay now with Zoey. Except for... No! It's wrong to judge someone without concrete evidence.

I was unknowingly clenching my fist. I promise myself that I will get to the bottom of this and make sure that the culprit will pay for the consequences of their action.

"Uncle Zaldy and your mom will be here soon," Nova said. I looked at her and saw that she was looking up at the ceiling while her back was leaning straight on the chair.

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