Chapter 31

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"AS THE SCRIPTURE SAID IN ROMANS 8:38-39 - For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord," said the parish father. He is conducting Olivia's father's eulogy before being buried in the ground. Yes, we are here for Olivia's father's funeral at the cemetery. "Kenneth, our beloved brother, is now at our father's side. There will be no pain. There will be no illness there. Dear Lord, I cry for those of us who have been left behind, for the lonely ones who have hollows in our hearts. I beseech You to comfort us, give, restore hope, and lavish us with family and belonging. Meet us in the depths of our grief with Yourself. I pray for everyone's safety. We have complete faith in your methods. Amen."

This brings the eulogy for Olivia's father's funeral to a close. When the casket was lowered, I could hear relatives and others crying. Olivia, on the other hand, was silently watching. Her puffy eyes were concealed by her black sunglasses. She had been crying for how many days, but I could see that no single tear was coming from her eyes now.

Other Olivia's Dad's relatives throw white flowers on the casket as it descends to the ground. When Olivia took a step forward, I followed. I threw the flowers after she did it. She then took a step back and proceeded to the car. I just kept silently following her. In this way, I am assisting her.

She sat in the back, and I sat next to her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and began to cry quietly. I hugged her to comfort her. I was rubbing her back and letting her cry. We were like this for a while until I noticed Olivia wasn't moving.

"Vi?" When she did not respond, I became concerned.

As I call her name, I hold her shoulders to see her face. She was silent.

I think she passed out! I was in a state of panic. I lowered the car window as I yelled Mom Victoria's name. Fortunately, mom was nearby and heard me yelling.

"Zoey? What's the matter?" She inquired as she dashed over to us. Olivia's father's sister, whose name I believe was Khloe, was also behind mom.

"Vi, mom... I think she passed out. Let's bring her to the hospital, Mom "Despite my nervousness, I manage to say. I wanted to cry because Olivia wasn't moving, even though I could still feel her pulse.

"Okay. Let's go, "Mom hurriedly said as she sat in the driver's seat.

"I'll come with you," Khloe said, and I sat in the passenger seat.

We were at the hospital in no time. Fortunately, Khloe showed up, and we could go to the nearest hospital. Thank you very much for your assistance. By the way, we're not in Clover City. We took a flight to the city where Olivia's father lived.

A week ago, we received a phone call from Mom informing us that her father was not in good health. It was the moment Olivia and I confessed our true feelings to each other. After the brief, blissful feeling we shared, another tragedy occurred.

Olivia was saddened by the news. So, after she spoke with Mom Victoria on the phone, she asked me what she should do. I advised her to go see her father before it was too late. Olivia agreed and informed Mom Victoria of her plan. She told his mother, Victoria, that she had forgiven him and wanted to spend time with his father before it was too late. Mom Victoria and Olivia were supposed to pay a visit to her father that morning.

I was so proud of Olivia for forgiving her father. She expressed her happiness and thanked me for teaching her how to forgive. I kissed her all the time because she was so cute, and my heart melted because of what she said. I may have gone overboard and become a little aggressive, but we managed to come to a halt because we wanted to take things slowly. We were almost there. Almost.

Anyway, I drove her to the airport the next day. Mom Victoria will meet her there. We were so unconcerned about the surroundings that we kissed before Olivia stepped inside at the airport. I was both excited and sad because I would miss her.

I was about to go home and book a ride when my father appeared out of nowhere. To be honest, I almost died of a heart attack. Every time, my Dad plays a prank on me.

But I was more concerned about what he had just witnessed. I didn't know what to say because he saw what Olivia and I did. My step-sister was involved in this, even though my father knew my sexual preferences. It was unsightly and did not look good in the eyes of others. However, I am fortunate to have a father like him, as he teased me about having a girlfriend. I was relieved. He stated that he would stand by Olivia and me no matter what made us happy.

I adore my father. He is a fantastic father. I hoped Mom Victoria felt the same way, but I was prepared for the unexpected. My only solace is that my father has promised to assist me if Mom Victoria reacts violently.

Anyway, Olivia and I had a three-day long-distance relationship. Olivia was constantly video-calling me at any opportunity she could get. She stated that she spent a significant amount of time with her father. I get to talk to Olivia's father on occasion, and he always thanks me for taking care of Olivia. I'm not sure if he knows Olivia and I are in a relationship.

Olivia's father passed away on the third day. Because I couldn't even talk to Olivia, Mom Victoria kept us up to date. She was constantly zoning out and not talking to anyone. I was distraught, so I asked Dad's permission to go where Vi was because I wanted to console her. Dad was okay with it, and I planned to visit her after class that day, but I was taken aback when Olivia arrived home with Mom Victoria.

Olivia then hugged me and began to cry. According to her mother, Olivia cried for the first time since her father died. I accompanied Olivia to her room until she stopped crying and fell asleep. When I asked Mom Victoria why they went home, she said Olivia still wanted to compete in the cheerleading squad competition. Mom stated that Olivia stated that it was for her father. Olivia wanted to win the competition for his father.

Olivia went to school without anyone noticing what she was going through. When asked why she was absent for the last few days, she would say it was due to a personal emergency. Olivia was an excellent actress. She told me not to tell our friends about his father's death, but Nova knew because Olivia's brother on her father's side is Nova's bodyguard slash driver. Yes, it was Kobe.

Kobe requested a leave of absence due to the death of his father. Nova discovered Olivia and Kobe were siblings when Kobe was tagged in a family photo with Olivia by his sister, Khloe. It happened while Olivia was in the hospital with her father. And, yes, Olivia's Dad's legitimate family welcomed her with open arms.

So Olivia entered the competition, and they won. We immediately left after the competition and returned to Olivia's father's funeral location. That was only after the school learned what had happened to Olivia's father.

Even though we were still at the airport, she was crying nonstop. Olivia did not get enough sleep after that. And when the burial began, she was no longer crying, and then this happened.

"She'll be fine. She is currently sleeping. She must be exhausted. She needs to rest," the doctor stated. We were waiting outside the emergency room when he approached us.

We were all relieved when we heard from the doctor. Mom comforted me with a hug. I hugged her back because I knew she needed it as well.

"It's better to keep her here for a day or two until she regains her strength," the doctor added. Mom Victoria only nodded. "I'll get to work on getting her into her room right away. For the time being, you can go in there and check on her."

"Thank you, Doc," we said. The doctor nodded and walked away.

We went inside, and Olivia was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, just as the doctor had said. I was relieved that nothing serious had occurred.

I approach the hospital bed where she is lying and gently grab her other hand.

Keep going, Vi. I will always be there for you. I adore you.

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