Special Chapter: Camila and Aubrey

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"LEWIS," the teacher called Zoey's last name.

Camila looked behind her and saw that Zoey was not in her seat.

Aubrey was admiring Nova's beauty. She had no idea Zoey was missing.

"Lewis?" the teacher inquired once more. Everyone in the room is now staring at Zoey's seat. It was deserted. "Scott, did you see your best friend? Where has she gone?"

"I'm not sure, teacher. Perhaps she's in the restroom. You know, answering nature's call," Nova tried to laugh, but she was getting nervous. She has a bad feeling about Zoey's absence.

"Perhaps," the teacher replied. "Okay, let's go back to our previous lesson. Lewis can catch up later."

The teacher continued the lecture, but Nova couldn't concentrate because her best friend hadn't arrived yet. Aubrey and Camila are worried because Zoey is not the type of student who skips class.

Nova couldn't take it any longer and begged the teacher to let her look for Zoey. When the teacher agreed, Aubrey and Camila asked to accompany her.

"No. You're staying here. You two," the teacher stated.

"I'm sorry, teacher," Camila said as she exited.

"Please excuse me, Mr. Teacher. I'll look for Zoey," Aubrey went outside right away. The teacher could not do anything but only call their names.

"Cam! Let's go our separate ways and look for her," Aubrey called Camila, who was walking down the left side of the hallway.

Camila simply nodded in response, then searched every nook and cranny for Zoey. Aubrey looked around for the nerd on the right side and checked to see where Nova had gone.

They were still unable to locate Zoey after some time had passed. Aubrey, too, is unable to locate Nova. So the two decided to return to the hallway. They noticed Olivia and Nova conversing there. Camila was perplexed as to why Olivia was outside, but she approached the two quietly.

Aubrey made her way over to where Nova and Olivia were.

"Coney, did you find her?" Aubrey asked Nova. As an answer, she simply shook her head. "How about you?" This time, Aubrey asked Olivia.

"No," the cheerleading captain replied.

"Oli? Why are you here?" Camila couldn't help but be curious, so she asked her friend.

"She's my step-sister, Cam," Olivia revealed. Camila's eyes widened, and she shook her head in disbelief. "I'll explain everything later, but let's find her first," Olivia added, and the group just agreed.

They know that the most important thing right now is to find Zoey.

They speculated on where Zoey could be. Nova mentioned that Zoey was acting strangely after lunch. Olivia called her mother and inquired about Zoey's whereabouts, but her mother stated that she was not at home either.

Camila revealed Zoey's secret club or dance club. Only Olivia was unaware of it.

The group realized one place they hadn't checked out yet after checking every part of the school where they could find Zoey.

They all went to the roof. They called Zoey's name, but no one answered. They kept looking until Olivia discovered the lifeless Zoey, covered in blood, on the ground.

"Zoey!" Nova yelled and dashed to Zoey's side. Olivia was paralyzed. "Call 911!"

Aubrey and Camila both rushed in and called Zoey's name. As if what they were doing could rouse Zoey.

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