Chapter 23

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"MAY I TAKE YOU HOME?" Camila spoke in hushed tones.

I was a little concerned because some members conversed with me while preparing my belongings. The dance practice had already ended, and I was preparing to leave.

"Oh, you surprised me," I said, relieved. I thought one of the club members recognized me.

"Sorry. "Can we go home together?" Camila inquired yet again.

"Um... Maybe next time, Cam." I need to get somewhere after this. You go home first, okay?" I told her. I'd finished packing my belongings.

"I see..." she said, still standing in front of me. "Ella, may I ask you a question?"

Camila is used to calling me by my first name. People usually call me Zoey, but Camila prefers my first name.

"Of course." Camila is wearing an odd expression. I'm glad she spoke to me now because she was just staring at me for the duration of the practice.

"Are you going on a date... with Aubrey?" she inquired.

I was taken aback for a moment, but I answered her once I regained control of my tongue. "Oh, no. "I just need to run a personal errand," I reasoned. She has no idea where my new home is. Olivia, I'm sure, is at home as well.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, "I mean, you take care, okay?" she said sweetly now. My friends are getting weirder all the time.

"Yeah, you as well." "Then I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

"Can we walk together until we get to the gate?" "Did Nova tell you that she completely forgave me?"

"Yeah. "I'm glad Nova found forgiveness in her heart."

"Me, too. Super!" Camila was ecstatic. "Does that mean I can hang out with you in public?" She was feeling upbeat right now.

I notice a smile forming on my lips. When it comes to my friends, everything is going so well.

"Of course. If that's okay with you."

"Why, yes!" That's fine with me. "I'd been looking forward to this for a long time."

"It's not a problem with me, Cam. But what will you do about The Charmer if they find out? They might not like the fact that you are friends with me. Again."

"Oh..." She seems to understand what I'm saying. "I'll just explain it to them." Stella and Naomi were our elementary school classmates, aware of our friendship. They had no idea why I had started bullying you. However, I am willing to clear things up. Ella, I'll tell them. Please let me hang out with you in public and be friendly with you even when we're at school."

This is why I can't stay mad at Camila for too long. She is sincere in the friendship she is now offering. I hope she never changes.

"That's fine with me, Cam. Nova has fully forgiven you, and there's no reason why we can't be friendly in public," I said sincerely.

"Thank you, Ella!" she exclaimed as she hugged me.

"You're always welcome, Cam," I said as I hugged her.

I'm overjoyed and overwhelmed. I am content when everyone else is content.


I WAS HOME, and Olivia was nowhere to be found. She could be in her room. I went to my room as well because I needed to rest. Even though I was hungry, I didn't feel like eating dinner. My body is so tired that I'd rather sleep than eat dinner.

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