Chapter 19

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"HEY, EINSTEIN," someone said as they tapped my back. I was taken aback by what they did and confusedly stared at the perpetrator.

I had to adjust my glasses to see them.

"What the hell, Con," I said when I saw who was giving me a heart attack this early and went back to what I was doing.

I was silently reading the review sheets for our quiz bee competition. It was our break time, so I went to a nearby, quiet location to read in peace. I'm sitting near the school fountain.

"What? You don't even remember me anymore?" she asked as she sat down beside me. "You've got a lot on your plate, my friend."

"Sorry. You're aware that the quiz bee is approaching, and I'm having difficulty concentrating. Nothing has stayed with me. I need to study very hard. I don't want us to lose just because I wasn't prepared, or worse, I can't answer correctly," I said as I flipped through the pages of the sheets I was holding.

"Hello there. Relax. You are the most intelligent person I know. I'm confident you'll win again this time. Your teammates are also trustworthy. So, don't be too concerned," Nova encouraged me. For a moment, her words relieved me. "Here. Consume this to have sweets on your body. It could help you think more clearly," she added and handed me a lollipop. Nova was also munching on one.

"Thank you, Con-con," I said as I took the lollipop from her grasp. "You're correct. This can improve your alertness. I'm referring to the glucose found in the sweets we consume." I told her, unwrapped the lollipop, and ate it.

"See? I am a genius. Maybe I should join the quiz bee team," she remarked.

I laugh. Coney was also beaming.

"Thank you very much, Con. I apologize for not spending much time with you over the last few days. I was overburdened with reviewing for the quiz bee competition. You know how I am when it comes to academics; I have this hobby that I can't focus on unless I am confident and satisfied, "I explained.

"That's fine. I'm here to help you. We can hang out after the competition whenever you want. Just concentrate and don't mind me, please. You are welcome to study at my house if you so desire. You are aware that my study area is pleasant and comfortable, "She offered, wiggling her two brows.

"Nah... It's so comfortable that I want to sleep all day. Don't tempt me, the devil."

Nova chuckled. "Anyway, did you get Aubrey's text?"

"Yeah. I did. Aubrey even texted us when she can say whatever she wants in front of us because we are always together."

"It appears to be important, don't you think? Do you have time after school?"

"That appears to be the case. Yes, I have free time," I agreed.

"So I'll see you after school. It would be preferable if you reviewed those sheets in the library rather than here." Nova stood up.

"Con, we're just taking a break. If I go there, I'll waste a lot of time," I said.

"You weren't in the classroom. That's why you didn't hear the announcement. The dean canceled the morning class because the staff had an emergency meeting. Instead, they sent us to our respective clubs, "She informed me. That explains why she's here as well.

"Okay. Instead, I'll contact Riley and Harper and ask them to study with me. Thank you, Con."

"No need to be concerned. I'll see you later, Zo," Nova said goodbye and walked away.

I said my goodbyes and waved. I am overjoyed that Nova is always available. She's always got my back. She is the world's best friend. I'm incredibly fortunate.

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