Chapter 16

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"WHERE ARE WE GOING?" I asked the person beside me, wide-eyed, smiling at me. It was strange to see her in this state, but I can see the sincerity in her actions.

"We're going to get Con-con in her place," she replied. She appears to be overjoyed.

"Really? Wow. So you were successful in persuading her?"

"Ella, you underestimate my persuasion skills. Just to let you know, that's one of the skills I still have to this day." She boasted.

I laughed.

"I am not dismissive of it. I was pretty convinced when you said Con-con was coming with us," I told her.

She gave a thumbs up and proudly tapped her chest.

"I know, I know. I want to catch up with you and Con-con. And I truly meant what I said before. I know I can't go back in time, but the least I can do now is correct my mistakes while I still have time. You are aware that life is fleeting," she went on to explain.

I'm the one who's looking at her proudly now. Is she back? Is my other best friend, aside from Nova from elementary school, really back for good?

I know you are hinting at who she is. She's no other than my number one bully in high school, Camila Smith.

"I believe you, Cam. I am glad you are back."

"It's all thanks to you, Ella. I would still be that immature bitch if that shoving incident did not happen. I know I have caused a lot of pain these past few years, but please allow me to make it up to you. Anything that you want me to do, I will do it."

"Hey, I am thankful that we are friends again. You already got my trust back. You'll maybe encounter some difficulties with Con-con, but I am sure she will come around when she sees your genuineness with this." I said and smiled at her. "And don't worry, I will help you, too. You know Con-con is soft-hearted."

"Thank you, Ella."

Camila hugged me. She was sniffing. The Camila I know was a crybaby. She's an emotional kind of person. That's the Camila I know from grade school, and I can say that Camila still has those characteristics. She never changed, but I understand why she had to do the bullying during middle school. Camila explained it to me, and I accepted that explanation. She has proven enough as well to earn my trust again.

A smile crept into my lips, and I hugged her back.

I can't help but remember our conversation the first time she approached me at school after I finished the practice session for the Local Inter-school Quiz Bee.


"I'm sorry, Ella." I overheard her say. I can hear the sincerity in her voice. She hugged me so tightly, and she was silently sobbing before I could say anything. "Ella, Ella, I'm so sorry. I miss you so much. Ella, please take me back. Please take me back."

I'm at a loss for words because I was astounded to see my greatest bully pleading for forgiveness and pleading with me to take her back. Yes, it's Camila. Camila, the charmer bully's leader.

"W-wait..." I pushed her away from me. "What are you doing?" I was perplexed as to why she was acting in this manner. "Where is the camera? Bullies, get out! I'm not going to fall for this prank!" I screamed angrily.

Camila was in tears, and as I heard her sob, I waited for the other girls to appear. But no one showed up after a few minutes.

"What do you demand, Camila? I am completely exhausted. Can you bully or prank me tomorrow instead?"

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