chapter 1: family circumstances

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 It was a scene witnessed many times before, a family of ninja in their clans training ground the mother, Kushina and her children Mito and Menma all red headed wonders, the father Minato, a sunshine blonde. the family celebrating after the son finally completed a relatively hard jutsu for his age. This scene would had been perfect if not for the forgotten onlooker witnessing it. Naruto, the forgotten black sheep of the family, bitterly looked on from his bedroom window at the display. scoffing he wrote a note stuck it on his door and left the house.

Naruto had given up on his parent training him, he was 8 now, he'd been asking to train with them for 4 years now. It always went the same way he would ask to join his siblings, his parents would say later, (which never came) he would push the issue, they would get 'headaches' then he would be sent to his room. So Naruto trained on his own now, stealing scrolls and books from his parents library and teaching him self.

He had just reached his favorite training field in the village. He laid down on the grass and watched the clouds, to calm down angry that his parents payed more attention to his siblings than to him. Unbeknownst to him, of the triplets, his siblings held the yin and yang half of the nine tailed fox. He was just told his siblings had a condition that made it so they had a harder time than an Uzumaki's already hard time controlling chakra so they needed the extra time. at first he bought that, but as the years went on what his parents said and his experiences didn't line up. if it were only ninjutsu training it would be one thing or even just training, but it wasn't. It was EVERYTHING. all his toys were second hand, all his clothes while new, were copies of what Menma asked for. He hated the dark red jackets he got they couldn't even get him his favorite orange color. If he and his siblings got in a fight, he was somehow punished even if he didn't start it. Naruto wasn't asked to join in on family outings and events, he wasn't outright barred but often left behind and never invited. If Naruto was home late enough coming home he was locked out by 'accident'. Just like when his meals were skipped it was all an 'accident'. Sure and his parents convenient headaches whenever Naruto tried to train, or get fair treatment or their attention were so absolutely real. And Hashirama delivers presents too all the good little girls and boy every rinne-festivle.

Those headaches bothered Naruto though, almost scared him. Because of the possibility they were real, then just him being around his parents strained them. Naruto thought back to those times, when he would insist on trying to be part of the family or that he didn't pull that prank that had Mito smirking. His parents would start out with an outright refusal or dismissal of him and then he would fight back arguing his point. Slowly over the course of the argument his parents would start rubbing their temples or making small grunt of pain. Then silently the pain would seem to explode with his parents grasping their headband moaning, then they would look at Naruto either with a determined gaze as if they were leading a battle where they would agree with Naruto or an ice cold almost emotionless gaze and simply cast him aside. Naruto got up. He didn't feel like training anymore. He headed towards the sarotobi woods at the perimeter of the village.

He was behind his siblings of course, he knew that. While most things in a ninjas career can be self taught, everything is taught better with a teacher. Take tai-jutsu for example, while you can learn stances punches kicks and katas out of a scroll, without a the trained eyes of a master you are bound to make create bad habits and make mistakes that you wouldn't even notice. And that is death for a ninja. So Naruto just focuses on what he knows from eavesdropping on his siblings lessons what is best to learn no teacher, chakra control, sensory and fuinjutsu theory. If he has time Naruto then tries to practice some ninjutsu and tai-jutsu now that he was in the academy had had a small basis to learn. Secretly from his parents scrolls he learnt ;
2 e rank techniques: the transformation and replacement jutsu. Bread and butter for any ninja, that's why they learnt it at the academy.

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