Chapter 14 necessary conversations part 1

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(A/n hey guys, its a new chapter from me! These next few chapters are going to set up some stuff for the chunin exams before I start my first original arc! Just a quick question going foward, would you want me to do the wave mission since naruto's team isnt going to be a part of it? Or skip that and go strait to chunin exams? Thanks for reading guys :))

Hinata was having a most unpleasant morning. Considering she was stuck in a room with the most pompous main-branch family members, the council who were trying and failing to intimidate her with stone hard stares, that was no surprise. Add in to the mix while the clan head her father looked at her with concern that should have been there years ago, and her grand-father who looked at her as a disappointment and you have where hinata is now.

"Lady Hinata do you know why you are being called before our most honorable council today?" One council member asked

Hinata decided 'you wanted too show off your male pattern baldness?' was not an acceptable answer, so she went with "I was not informed, honorable councilor."

"I see, can you think of a reason, Any reason why?"

'To waste everybody's time with unnecessary pontification and showboating while you lash at the perceived 'weakest hyuga'?' No too aggressive, its correct, but too aggressive. "Honestly I cannot honorable councilor."

"Well then you may be interested to hear that you father had a run in with the Yamanaka clan head, the other day." Oh no. "He said that his daughter and her pink haired friend had a chat." OH no. "And that she said you challenged the new Uchiha heiress too a fight." the council member sneered. "You are lucky that the Yamanaka clan head had the good sense to shut down those rumors, before they got out of hand. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Hinata was going to kill Sakura. She was going to kill her painfully and slowly. "Sakura, the 'pink haired friend' you mentioned, is a civilian born and raised child who doesn't understand what she implied with her words nor the ramifications of such implications." Hinata started carefully and with a perfectly neutral voice "I did not issue any formal challenge of a duel to the Uchiha, I would not in their state of duress." She inhaled "I did tell my father how we had a bout, earlier and he said that there was no issue with what I had done."

"WATCH YOUR TONE!" Another councilor yelled. "It is because of the Uchiha's 'state of duress' that this is so serious, this misunderstanding hurt our clan's standing more than the leaks did."

And there it was, the clan's "standing", because above everything else, our clan has to be at the top of the village. Hinata suppressed an eyeroll as her father began to speak "I am sure our standing will not suffer because of an after mission spar, Honorable Councilor. However Hinata I would like you to go through the events of your match with the Uchiha and those leading up to the 'bout' as you put it."

"Of course father," Hinata began, "It all started when Naruto asked me to help him, as he is on a sister team with the uchiha twins. Worried about their recent depression, He asked his father for a group mission where both he and I could after its completion allow the uchiha vent their frustrations through combat."

"I see," Hiashi said "If the Hokage knew about this then there should not be too much of a problem. Can you recount the events of the spar itself now?" Hinata did, leaving out her advanced Byakugan. She didnt want to tell about that until she completed it "It seems all is in order then. Is everyone here satisfied?" Most councilors and even the elder could not find fault with how Hinata acted so they quietly nodded.

However one councilors decided to speak on an issue both Hinata and her father would have rather he did not. "I am satisfied with Hinata's actions in regards to this issue. However there is a new problem with her stunning growth in the recent months, before there was no doubt about who was going to be Clan heir, but now it is called into doubt whether her or Hanibi should be the Hyuga heir."

Both Father and Daughter tensed. Hinata couldn't tell if this man was breaking decorum because of a rigid sense of tradition, if he wanted to put her back in the heir spot, or forcefully keep her out of it. It wasn't a very well kept secret that she loathed some of the more 'brutal' and 'selfish' traditions.

"I would agree, but her disposition is still much too weak to represent or lead the clan." another councilor said.

'Kindness is not weakness' Hinata thought sharply.

"Still her strength has improved by leaps and bounds her mannerisms will too."

"And if not?"

"a few months with a personal tutor shall fix her up."

"I don't agree with your assessment what if ..." Hinata zoned out as the conversation was going to go no where. She wanted to save her sister but she also wanted to save herself. Not long ago she would have accepted being branded, disowned, or any other bad thing that happened to her, she was too weak to stop it anyway. But her time training with Naruto, Akira, and Rumiko changed her. She wasn't going to let anyone control her fate or harm her sister. Hinata thought of what she could do to save both her and her sister. A few minutes of the council going in circles and still nothing concluded. she didn't have any knowledge of any laws that could allow her to save her and her sister, or leverage over the clan except... that. Hinata looked up, her father was getting restless. She sighed she Didn't want to reveal this just yet as it was incomplete, but she had no other bargaining chips. Channeling mana to her eyes Hinata fired a pulse of mana and activated her advanced Byakugan.

"ENOUGH." The pulse of mana hit the council like a light push from a child but was still enough to shock them and draw attention to Hinata.

"Do NOT interrupt Hin- what happend to your Byakugan?!" A hyuga councilor exclaimed looking at the purple tint glowing behind her eyes.

Hinata looked unflinching at the man. "Fire and Earth."


"Your nature types, fire and earth." Hinata pointed at the other hyuga councilors "Fire and Water, Water and Earth, Earth alone, fire alone and another fire alone." Hinata pointed at her father "Fire, water, earth and yang." The her grandfather "Fire and both yin and yang."

"...she...she's right..." A councilor spoke everyone nodded.

"How did you do that?" Another one asked.

Hinata relaxed a bit "Through my training with Naruto and his teachers, I had discovered a way to evolve the Byakugan, one of the abilities I gained was the ability to see chakra natures."

"ONE? You have discovered more?!" Her father was stunned.

Hinata nodded "May I demonstrate?" After her father nodded she smiled " because of Lord Hokage's chakra suppression seals I cannot detect their chakra but..." she threw training kunai at the spots above the councilors, all deflected as hidden hyuga guards came down. "I am able to see them with my newly acquired ability to see infrared and therefore, body heat. I can also see ultraviolet but I have to switch between the two, I cannot see them both at the same time."

Hiashi, more so than the rest of the council, was stunned. Who knew his daughter would be able to do all this? The one he looked down on. He had one question "Why did you not tell me of this sooner?"

"Because its not complete yet. Once I am done I will have no problem teaching some of my contemporaries and the younger generation how to achieve this." Hinata responded "But in order to do so I have two terms. One, neither me nor Hanibi get the caged seal I have no desire to lead the clan but I also have no desire to be put under that." The council agreed, it was a small price to pay for more power.

"Two I choose who I teach, no matter what anyone says. If I think someone is going to misuse these new abilities or if they are disrespectful to me, or for any other reason I will not teach them." Again the council agreed but demanded that Hinata at least attempt to teach their children. She agreed, albeit bitterly.

Hinata sighed. Right now she sacrificed one of her biggest bargaining chips earlier then she ever wanted. Glancing to the side she slowly smiled recognizing the energy of one eavesdropper. "Yes Hanabi, you will be my first student."

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