Chapter 18 rescues and warnings

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Before Naruto stood a man with chin length black hair wearing a red suit with golden buttons and shoulder pads, a brown belt, and a silver buckle. Engraved in the Buckle was the symbol of the Biniru clan. "Welcome to Kusagakure."

Naruto gasped "Ah! err, thank you..."

The man laughed. "my name is Mui. I am returning home from a Mission and you are?"

"Naruto Uzumaki, here along with my family." Naruto motioned to the group. With this his father stepped forward. As he did Naruto walked back to the group "Look at his belt." Minato naruto got back he explained what he saw, they didn't know what to make of it. They looked over to see Mui laughing with Minato waving them inside the gate. As they got within earshot of the others Naruto decided to test something out. "Hey dad you know how there's 3 replacement Jutsu?"

Minato nodded and began listing them off "The false substitution which is fast movement while unsealing a log/item you put in your place, most genin and chunin use this. The true replacement a really fast unsealing/teleport combo with an item that you swap places with. created by Tobirama as one of his two space time jutsu most jonin use this. And Orochimaru's body replacement jutsu where he just grows a new body inside his old one. Why do you ask?"

Naruto subtly watched Mui's expression "I was wondering if my mana would interfere with learning the true replacement."

Mui stumbled "You can use Mana?" Naruto's family exchanged looks.

Naruto produced his magic circle Which, had a symbol of a fox with nine tails in it, to make his point "Yes."

"I...see...How did you learn to use it?"

"Hehe it's a long story. Why don't we talk later? We need to speak with the village leader and find lodging." Naruto grinned.

Mai nodded as his family gave him a look that said 'you're explaining later.' He nodded at that.
Soon the family were in a Hotel penthouse, With a meeting was set up for tomorrow. Naruto smiled at finally settling in. He wanted to rest after a long trip but not was not on the table right now.

"So mind explaining what that was Naruto?" Mito asked in a tone between curious and tense

Naruto nodded before closing his eyes and took a deep breath. "OK so Akira sensei told me you guys know what mana is right?"

Everyone nodded "Not that Narnar," Mito said "Why show it off?"

Naruto rolled his eyes at the nickname "How many outsiders to a clan brazenly wear a clan's symbol on their body? Not anyone smart right? And for a clan thats separated and almost dead and not from that village it might mean something right? Like what would you do if some brown haired Iwa ninja wore the uzumaki spiral?"

Jiraiya smiled "so you think he's connected to the clan? And let me guess showing off you can use clan jutsu proves your a clan friend so you can call in a favor? Smart thinking, but a little too showy next time a code or phrase might be better or do it before we enter town."
Minato smiled gently at his oldest, a clever move for a genin on his first mission. A little risky, but he was there incase things went bad so no harm, no foul. His face changed into serious expression "So from what I gathered from setting up the meeting is Mito's right, they are hiding the Uzumaki. We might need that favor."

Kushina nodded with a frown on her face "The person you talked to was the warden of blood prison if they are keeping her anywhere it would be there."

Menma shook his head "Actually I disagree, keeping an asset in a prison on short notice, is extremely risky, they would have to change all guard details to protect them. That's why we gave them no warning of our vist, except checking in at the border."

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