chapter 6 a loss of a title

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(a/n hey guys! heres the new chapter! technically this is a flash back chapter as chapters 6/7/and half of 8 take place before the end of chapter 5 they discuss the last school year of naruto in more detail. please read and leave a comment/review)

Naruto's last year in the academy, was not a pleasant one. It started off well Umi deciding she wanted to become a teacher, had started helping out at the school to gain experience. The students were allured by her beauty. She was a tall woman standing around the same hight as minato, with icy blue hair and eyes, her hair went down to her waist. It was straight and thin and almost flowed as it followed her. She wore a traditional kimono with a icy blue snowfall pattern on on a midnight blue robe, with a white obi around her waist. She wore traditional sandals and always had a flower made of ice in her hair. Kiba got in trouble more than once for staring at her breasts, being hit in the head with a snowball.

Naruto knowing Umi meant people talked with him to talk with or about her. Satsuki started bothering Naruto about how he knew her but his siblings and the other clan heads got her off his back. They were still curious about how he knew her. "Umi is part of the same clan as my teacher Akira, so I met her when I was helping set up the Biniru clan home. Akira called it unconventional strength building. I called it free d-rank labor then she threw an empty sake gourd at me." Naruto had sort of become a part of the 'academy elite' a group made up of highly skilled ninja hopefuls all rivals and friends with each other.(a/n the konoha 12 -team guy + Menma Mito and Satsuki) Naruto didn't feel as if he was part of that group, but was still asked to hang around it so he did, if only to for the protection from the challenges and/or suck up attempts from other students.

His training with Akira was now focused on preparing for actual ninja life. To make sure Naruto and Hinata would not freeze in a combat or survival situation she started off each lesson with a killing intent resistance session then moving on to some combat and survival scenarios and lastly infiltration skills. After that was done they worked on combining their learnt knowledge from over the years. (singular in hinata's case) so they could be used in tandem with each other. Akira also said that while she had stuck a deal with his father and she was going to be a secondary teacher to his Jonin instructor whoever that may be.

Naruto was actually having a really good time...untill it came. On Wednesday October 8th, two days before his 12th birthday, he was called into the Hokage's -his father's- office. " Hello, Tou-san whats this about ... why are you all here?" Tsunade, Jiraiya, his mother and even Kakashi were there.
"Naruto sit down." His father ordered, he complied. "I Know we, your mother and I haven't always been the best to you." Understatement, but ok. "I want you to know that despite that we love you." ummmm.... "Look Naruto there were certain circumstances in our families life that affected us from the day you were born." Oh by the Kami he's adopted isn't he? "you can't know all of them yet, but you deserve to know some of them." Yep he's adopted. He has blonde hair, is he a Yamanaka? Maybe he can learn some clan Jutsu. "Do you know what a Jinchuriki is?" wait, WHAT? Minato had explained the rough events of his and his siblings birth, the masked man and finally the sealing leaving out the curse. "so thats why..." the blonde boy trailed off. Kushina spoke next "Naruto we want to make it up to you. All of us do."
"Thats right brat, and to do so we are all going to train you!" Jiraiya interrupted, stealing the parent's thunder and earning him a slap from Tsunade. Annoyed Minato coughed "Were even going to give you first pickings on the summonings. The toad, slug or even the ninken, we have even brokered a deal with the summons if you want you can sign all three." For half a second Naruto's smile shone brighter than the sun. This was everything he ever wanted and more this was perfect... too perfect. A nasty thought ran through his mind. "whats the catch?"

"There is no catch Naruto, all we ask for is some understanding in-" Minato started until he saw the dark stare on his sons face. "thats not what your grimace said."
"Somebody, we don't know who yet, leaked your siblings status, surely you've noticed the changes, in behavior of the villagers concerning them." Naruto nodded he did that was part of the reason he's been letting them get closer to him. With the whispers and glares they needed him right now. "Well in order to make sure they feel, and are, more accepted in the village we want to do a gesture of support and approval. We want to make them clan heads of one each of our families." Naruto chuckled bitterly. "OH. oh. I see." His voice betrayed his hurt. Kushina spoke first "Naruto don't be like this, they are just titles they really mean nothi-" I READ CLAN LAW! I KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS! DON'T LIE TO ME DATTEBAYO! " Naruto shouted. Everybody reeled they didn't know he read that and they obviously weren't going to follow that, but with how they treated him, they didn't blame him for thinking he would. "Naruto its not-" his Father started.
"Uzumaki Law Book 3 chapter 10 section 2." Naruto stated pain flowing through his voice "Namikaze law is a copy paste of the Uzumaki law. There wasn't a clan until you made the hat, you told me that yourself." A humorless chuckle filled the air "you know I always was afraid something like this would happen. And it did. huh." With that he opened up the windows and jumped outside was Menma and Mito eavesdropping on the conversation. Naruto stared at them for a moment then left heading for the forest. "Tou-san what was that law Naruto was talking about?"
"We weren't going to follow clan law, Naruto..." was the only response they got. That day more than ever Minato cursed the Shinigami for the curse he wrought.

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