chapter 5: training and life

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For the first year Naruto's training focused almost solely on tai-jutsu or as she called it 'marital-arts' along with other ninja basics like shuriken and kunai throwing to bring him up to at least clan head levels if not near his siblings. Naruto also stopped pulling pranks and purposely getting half marks, he still kept his grades down but more so as a way to avoid unnecessary attention. He also made his first friend in the form of one Rock Lee. Saving the upperclassman from bullies he brought the kid to practice one. Rock Lee had a talent for working hard and always went the extra mile. Akira figured out quickly that he had no chakra nature and thusly could not mold chakra outside his body. She decided altered his body to use mana the same as Naruto as a substitute and he has been devoted to the two ever since. Akira trained rock lee to be mostly a tai-jutsu fighter but with a few spells in his back pocket. He also could coat his hands and feet in elemental energy to increase the effectiveness of his punches. They found him trustworthy enough to introduce him to the yokai. Because of his mostly martial-arts fighting style he didn't have a good teacher from the others to choose from, and chose to free Umi instead.

To cover for the the influx of new comers to the leaf Akira claimed to be part of the Biniru clan, when speaking with Minato, to officially become apart of the leaf. She claimed it was a long defeated clan scattered across the nations, which was a partial truth. She fabricated sending letters to other 'survivors' giving cover to the Yokai coming to the leaf. After being tested Akira was introduced to the leaf as a special jonin but was not put on missions outside the village for a wait period to prove her loyalties. She didn't mind this, using the time to train Naruto and his friends, and investigate the 'shinigami's curse' as it was called. She didn't tell her students about the investigations because she didn't want to give Naruto false hope or just have him accept the mistreatment of his family because 'it wasn't their fault it was the curse.'

In Naruto's second year of training he had a bigger focus on magic and mana with his Tai-jutsu now at acceptable levels. Magic was different then ninjutsu in that there were no types of magic locked behind bloodlines. This meant Naruto and rock lee had to be careful as they didn't want to accidentally use a 'bloodline limit' such as ice or crystal and start having annoying and dangerous questions pop up. Also Naruto found a new junior class mate in the form of a 5 year old Konohamaru Sarutobi who only learnt Tai-jutsu from Akira. She didn't trust him to not blab about their secrets at his age, maybe when he's older. Also his presence brought along Ebisu who's arrogant attitude annoyed everyone when he came to take away the Third's grandson, and be seen as the better teacher. He never could.

Akira had started going on missions outside the village by this point and had to wright out self study scrolls for the three students. One day while meeting with Rock Lee to deliver a scroll he found Might Guy watching them train, She brought the two tai-jutsu specialists together but bluntly criticized his fashion sense. He offered her a green jumpsuit in return. She threatened if he ever offered her or her students one again she would shave his head. She and Umi were a frequent sight at the library researching curses and the Shinigami. When she brought this up with the other yokai, they all agreed with her but wanted to be sure so they had the two free ones look into the topics first. By the end of the year she was satisfied with her research and steadfast in her conclusion, this was not a 'Shinigami's curse.'

Naruto's third year of training was had an had started his training in sealing. Since he had studied seal composition since he was a child he had an easy time learning mana seals since they were almost the same. Rock Lee had been coming less often due to his training with Might Guy but that had a solid friendship both inside and outside of school. Konohamaru still was only taught tai-jutsu but he also brought his friends along now. Naruto called the hour they came by 'After School Daycare' much to the threes annoyance. Naruto furthered his magic training translating all the jutsu he knew into spells. He was also charged with finding a tai-jutsu style suited for himself. After a conversation or two with Lee and Guy and a little bit of research with Iruka he decided on learning the fox fist, a style based on wearing out and tricking you opponent with faints. When Menma saw the kata scrolls in Naruto's hands he laughed at the irony. "whats so funny?"
"nothing brother that style suits you." When Menma told the rest of the family they had a small laugh as well. The only child without the fox, is now using a fox based martial art style. Minato thought about approaching Naruto for training but his headache forced him not to. 'I need to focus on the two's Kyubi training anyway. He'll understand when he finds out.'

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