authors note 3 end of arc 2

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Authors note 3 mid 4 c ranks saga: c rank 2

Hello guys its me umbreonsshadow sorry for the delay and sorry for what Im about to announce! But right now Im working 2 jobs and going to college on top of that so Im taking a semi hiatus. Im getting overwhelmed and a little burnt-out because of my large work lode.

Im still going to write when I have the free time but I'll only post after this semester ends so I can get a big back log going for both my stories, and if I get far enough, maybe work on some other stories I have planned. (not likely though) These author notes act as a break in between arcs or sometimes as midpoints so I can respond to comments without taking up too much on the chapters themselves.

This authors not Im going to list my plans for current and future stories with a small description before I respond to the comments! Currently written stories will have a description of whats coming up, new pr in planning stories will have a small summery of what to expect. As always thank you so much for reading! Untill next time

Current Stories list:

1 kitsune of the leaf: currently working on an original arc and wave arc however I might post them together (like one chapter in wave one chapter in original) because Naruto's tem doesnt go to wave :)

2 phantasmagoria of an orange maelstrom: finishing up training in the sdm arc

New stories in planning list: feel free to also use any ideas for your own stories just give credit!

1 stars, planets, and strawberry shortcake: a dragonball and Kirby crossover where both universe are mashed together! current planing: plot bunny I came up with

2 so im a fox? so what!: crossover between so im a spider so what and naruto. Durring the first VOTE fight self proclaimed evil god "D" takes team seven and the sannin to her universe to fix her mess. Lets see how much of a bigger one can they make! current planing: plot bunny I made.

3 the monster and the genius who haunts him: prompt I made for a dude on the r/narutofanfiction subreddit under my name there PineappleRoutine9248 that I wanted to write myself:

Hinata is a genius ninja, one who's talent dwarfs even itachi in his youth. Not only is she skilled in nin and tai-jutsu but she is also a medic ninja on the same level as tsunade. However Hinata holds a dark secret, ever since witnessing her uncle's and mother's death at the hands of a Kumo nin as a child she has had a crippling fear of death. This wouldn't be so dark if she wasn't groomed by Kabuto to be Orochimaru's personal doctor and apprentice. Secretly she conducts experiments with Kabuto to complete Orochimaru's immortality Jutsu (in her mind changing bodies every three years isn't complete)

Naruto is a loser, in most peoples minds. But not his fault, teacher's won't help him, the library and many shops won't let him in, and everybody seems to ignore or hate him. But he'll show 'em, he'll become hokage! One day after stealing a scroll with b-rank lightning style techniques from the library Naruto looks for a place to practice. And stumbles onto Hinata in a secret lab in the woods mutilating a cadaver with a scalpel. From that moment on the two form very different goals, Hinata wants to turn Naruto into her guard dog and pet for when it is time for the student to overcome her teacher. And Naruto wants to expose hinata's wrong doings to the public but know he can't with out extreme evidence and proof as not even the hokage would believe him on this. And then the two are put on a team together. current planing: plot bunny I made.

4 Konoha past, present, and future (working title): while Amado is having his meeting with naruto before jigen attacks konoha the time turtle appears and tell naruto of the dark future hes seen: code throwing boruto into the second ten tails recreating the shinju tree. Wanting to avoid the end of the world he tells naruto of his plan using a forbidden jutsu he will send the team seven and their families back in time to when they graduated from the konoha academy to prepare for the future and the evils they could have never known about. As the old team 7 ino hinata and sai deal with the shadows of their future the knew team 7 himiwari and Inojin cope with living in a rougher world and morn their fallen timeline. current planing: plot bunny I made.

Kitsune of the leaf:rise of the yokai-ninWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt