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Klay's pov


It has been a couple of days since the party. Hana hadn't talked to me since and every chance I got to hangout with Rian she would butt in and take her away to some dinner or movie night with Tess.

Though it irritated me that she was trying to distance me from Ri I didn't bring it up. I just brushed it off and continued working on the project I had been doing for the past three weeks. Keeping it a secret from the girls was harder than I thought it'd be.

I finished up the last minor touches, feeling proud with how it came out. I walk out the room and almost bump into Rian. Tess and Hana were right behind her. I hadn't realized they were back from one of their outings. I shut the door a bit too forcefully startling the girls in the process before pressing up against it.

"Sorry."I say, a nervous chuckle escaping my throat.

"What were you doing in there?" Hana asks, coming to stand next to Rian.

"When did you guys get back?" I ask, intentionally ignoring Hana's question.

"We just got back." Rian answers.

"Cool, cool."

"What's in the room Klay." I ignore Hana's question again, pushing off the door before bringing out the room key and locking it up.

The three girls look at me expectantly and I rub the back of my neck looking for an excuse to get out of telling them about what I had been doing. "I'll show it to you after dinner." I said my eyes focussed on Rian.

She tilts her head to the side before giving me a small smile. "I think we should let Klay do whatever he wants to do. You don't have to show us anything you don't want to."she says to me before turning to the other two."Right ladies?"

"Yeah." Tess is the first to agree.

"Okay I guess." Hana replies after a few seconds.

"Are you staying over for dinner Tess?" Rian asks.

"Sure, why not."

"I'll go get everything ready." Hana tells Rian

"I'll help." Tess volunteers.

"I'm gonna go change into more comfortable clothes." Rian says walking towards her room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I didn't even know whether she'd be happy about this. I didn't know how she was gonna react but I hope it makes her happy at least.

Dinner was well, okay I guess. We talked about how our days were and what we did and joked around and it all seemed fine until Hana brought up the room topic.

"So, when are you going to show us what's inside the room Klay." She said, smiling at me.

"Once we are all done with our food."

"I think we are all done, right guys?" She says and I look around the table and realize that she's right.


"i think we can go check it out now." She says pushing her seat back and gesturing for me to get up as well."

I sighed getting out of my seat and heading towards the room with them following behind me. Shit. This wasn't how this was supposed to go.

I get the room key out, placing it into the lock, maybe I could stall for a bit. No, that wouldn't work. Hana wasn't gonna let this slide so easily. I sighed again, turning the key. The lock clicked and I opened the door stepping aside to let Rian walk in first before following behind her, turning the lights on as I walked in.

I couldn't see the look on Rian's face and that made me a bit anxious. "Rian." I call out to her when she doesn't say anything. She turns to me eyes wide before looking around the room again.

She walks further inside the room, analyzing everything. She moves towards the cradle next running a hand over the edge slowly with a smile playing on her lips. She looked at the blue walls and at the stars that framed the ceiling. She looked at the toys that were lined up. She laughed in disbelief.

She turned to me mouth agape and tears in her eyes. Then she rushed towards me and hugged me. She hugged me as she said her thanks over and over again. I hugged her back, glad with how this was going.

When we parted she asked."How long have you been hiding this?"

I scratch the back of my head nervously."Not long, about three weeks. I thought the little one would need a room of his own at some point in the future and since you're living here with us for now, why not use the extra space."I say, feeling the heat of Hana's gaze on me.

This room had originally been empty. I had used it as a storage room for my extra stuff and since we were both paying bills Hana didn't mind but now when I glanced in her direction she looked infuriated but covered it up once Rian turned to speak to her.

"Hana, Tess, did you guys know about this?"she asked. They shook their heads no and Rian returned to looking through the room.

Tess excused herself and Hana followed suit. I smiled at Rian who was still looking through the room before following the girls out.

"I'll think I'll wait for you in the car ." Tess told Hana once I reached the bottom of the steps.

"Why didn't I know about this?" Hana asks once Tess is out the door.

"I didn't know I had to tell you about it."

"Are you serious right now?"

"Why are you even upset about this . Shouldn't you be happy for her? She's your best friend Hana."

"I'm not upset about what you did. I'm upset you didn't tell me about any of it."

"It was a surprise Hana."

"I always tell you about the stuff I'm planning."

"That doesn't mean I have to do the same. I'm sorry okay but I needed it to be a secret just Incase you let it slip out by mistake or something." I tell her honestly.

"I'm staying over at Tess's tonight."Hana said coldly as they she walked out the door leaving me confused once again.

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