More Random Hc

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He grabs you by the waist while hugging you

He loves it when you put tour hand on his chest while kissing him.

He finds it adorable I'd you sleep with stuffed animals

He is normal big spoon and sometimes you have to BEGGG him to be little spoon.he wont complain he secretly loves it though

If you have any old things that were yours that he wants,he will take 100%

If you walk into his room you will find random things everywhere that are yours

I am telling you this man WORSHIPS YOU and I mean will be ON his KNEES literally.

When he realized that your kink and turn on was neck kisses,he wont stop kissing and sucking and choking your neck.

If you have a sensitive body or you are very ticklish,we will kiss your body just to tease you

He will start to get used to your music but if you have the same type of music, even better

His hands are BIG (well atleast twice the size of yours)

You find it so hot when he is angry

He finds random tricks that will make your cramps go away

He loves it when you straddle him

He is a thigh man

He has random pictures of you in his wallet or you just find random ones in his room

All his socks are black or there white crusty socks

I'd you guys are doing maching PJ's they would definitely be black pants or grey.

Eddie Munson ♡headcanons/one Shots♡Where stories live. Discover now